Spooky Chicks & Horror Flicks
Welcome to Spooky Chicks and Horror Flicks: A Horror Movie Podcast
The show where two horror-obsessed besties Emma & Ally, dive headfirst into the scariest, goriest, and most thrilling horror movies the genre has to offer. From haunted houses to cult classics, we dissect, debate, and hilariously discuss the movies that make your spine tingle and your popcorn fly.
With our mix of witty banter, chilling insights, and plenty of laughs, each episode is packed with horror movie recaps, behind-the-scenes fun facts, and our unfiltered opinions on the films you love—or love to hate.
Whether you’re into slashers, supernatural scares, or the campy gems of scary movies, we’ve got you covered. So dim the lights, pour a glass of wine, and get ready to scream, laugh, and obsess over all things horror.
Join us, if you dare!
Spooky Chicks & Horror Flicks
34: Ghost Ship (2002)
All aboard the SS Antonia Graza! This week, Emma and Ally are setting sail on the disaster cruise that is Ghost Ship (2002). First stop: one of the wildest opening scenes in horror history—because nothing screams “bon voyage” like a dance floor decapitation.
Join the hosts as they wade through cursed treasure, shady ghosts with a flair for drama, and CGI that aged about as well as a soggy life raft. Is this haunted rust bucket a spooky good time, or should it have stayed shipwrecked? Grab your floaties and find out—Just don’t forget a tetanus shot.
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Hello everyone, and thank you for joining us for another episode of Spooky Chicks and Horror Flicks. We are your hosts, Emma.
I'm Ally. She's back. I am back. I'm sorry I missed you guys last episode,
but I'm so happy to be back. Oh my gosh. We're so happy to have you back, we are two best friends that like to drink and chat about our favorite horror films.
So, yeah. Thanks for joining us.
And the film we're reviewing today, you guys, I am so excited to review this one with you because it's one of my all time favorites. It is Ghost Ship from 2002. And just a little background, it's a very pivotal point in my horror film love, so I can't wait to discuss this with you guys.
So good. So good. And a bit of a spoiler alert we spoil the shit out of everything, so go rent it on a streaming platform or pull out your OG DVD like I did and come back to listen, or if you don't give a fuck, come on this all inclusive cruise line with us. And speaking of haunted vessels, Emma. What have you been up to?
I'm calling you a haunted vessel, by the way.
I was gonna say, damn. Yeah. That's like, that's pretty heavy, but alright. I kind of agree, maybe. I mean, honestly, same update as I had last week. For those of you that didn't listen to last week's episode, the producer and I just moved into a new home, And yeah, that's pretty much what's going on for me. How are you? I think a lot of listeners maybe want to know what happened to your chin?
My face. In New Orleans? Yeah,
yeah, yeah,
yeah. I went to New Orleans for Halloween and New Orleans is one of my favorite cities in the entire world and it was amazing. It was a little too much fun and I did have to go get some stitches on Halloween evening. But luckily I was with two amazing friends, shout out to Carly and Cassidy, for helping me out there because I was like, no, I'm good.
But I was definitely not good. So that was fun, it was, even after we got the sutures done in the ER for five hours, I, we still had a great time. So, that's what's going on. I love that. Speaking of drinking and New Orleans, what are you drinking today, Emma?
I am drinking a cocktail actually in honor of this film and it is called an ocean water cocktail and it is a little bit of coconut water, some pineapple juice, some blue curacao, I think that's how you say it, and coconut rum, some Malibu.
You exotic. I'm very exotic. It's very lovely, honestly. And as we are dipping our toes into the fall and winter months, it is making me think of summer and making me think of haunted ships that I want to explore. Hell yeah. What are you drinking?
I have three beverages, as always. I am drinking White Claw and Glacier Freeze Gatorade because I just got my blood drawn yesterday.
They drew, they drew like 15 vials of my blood, so I'm just like trying to replenish whatever.
That's a little scary. Did you, like, go to the doctor's just by yourself?
Yeah, man.
I feel like that's on them to, like, make sure you get home safely. No, it's
chill. They were great. I drank, like, three bottles of juice after and laid down for 30 minutes and I was good.
Amazing. Well, and she's here to tell the tale. Yeah,
and I'm also drinking water from my big dumb cup. So I'm good. I'm hydrated.
All right. Well, cheers to Yes, episode 34, 4. Wow.
Oh, and yesterday was my half birthday, which means I'm halfway to 34. I'm not, so you're not even 33 yet, but no, I'm not. Well, cheers
to all of that.
And for the synopsis for today's film, a salvage crew discovers a long lost 1962 passenger ship floating lifeless in a remote region of the Bering Sea, and soon notices that its long dead inhabitants may still be on board. Spooky. Very spooky. And this film has a 5. 6 out of 10 on IMDb, which I think is incredibly low.
Ali and I are big fans of this film.
For Rotten Tomatoes, the tomato meter says 14%. What the actual fuck is that? Wait, actually 14%? 14%. tomato meter. audience score is 37.
Also, what the actual fuck.
Okay, that one's obviously a little bit better, but 14%? Do we love this movie way more than other people do? You know what's crazy is I feel like when we talk to people in the horror genre, Everyone loves this film. Yeah, like there's not one person. I think we've met that appreciates horror Who is like I fucking hate this film or would rate it 14 or 37
Well, I say fuck you to the tomato meter on this one.
Yeah, fuck that. Yeah, so
rude so rude And this film is directed by steve beck and steve has done a lot of our favorite films including 13 ghosts. Hello. I cannot wait You And the Abyss, I don't know if he directed it or if he did the like visual effects for it, but amazing.
And then also the Hunt for Red October, he also had a hand in the visual effects, which I think was fucking awesome.
When I was researching him, I was like, oh, he's like mostly a visual effects guy. Okay,
yeah, which. I think you could tell by some of the scenes in this film. Ally, do you want to kick off our Top Build cast?
Hell fuckin yeah, I do. So, our Top Build cast, again, what I will say is I'm constantly confused about how IMDb ranks these But we're just gonna go in their order and our first is, and this one makes sense, Juliana Margulies, who plays Epps, and something funny is she was promised one vision of this movie, game.
And she was all psyched for it and then she got off the plane in Australia where they filmed it. And she got another script and she was like, fuck this. But it was too late to go back and Wait,
that's insane. Yeah.
So I think she like, I'm not sure if she still hates this movie, but she was in it.
Yeah, probably because it's not like what she actually thought. But girl, we love it.
Yeah, we love it. I'll write you a letter and be like, thank you. A thank you letter. She's like a show girlie. She was in ER, The Good Wife, The Morning Show, which is one of my guilty pleasures. So she's, she's a big time girlfriend, ?
Love that. And then our next is Okay, Gabriel Byrne? Gabriel Byrne? Who plays Murphy and this role was actually supposed to be Brian Cox But Brian Cox was like, bro, I booked The Ring. So find somebody else. But also, Gabriel was in The Man in the Iron Mask, which I fuck with. Have you seen it? It's got Leonardo DiCaprio.
I actually haven't. Um,
but I did want to bring up one thing about him is that while watching this film, the producer said, and I'm so sorry, Gabriel but the producer said this character of Murphy in this film is like a, discount Willem Dafoe, which a hundred percent I resonate with.
I think
I Agree.
I can see it. I can see it. But
would you rather fuck Gabriel or
Willem? I don't want to to either. Okay, okay. Okay. So I think there could be a third choice of just not. Got it. Cool. Yeah. Yeah.
Yes. If that's okay. That's okay. Sweet, sweet. Awesome. Our next guy is Ron Eldard who plays Dodge. And fun fact, we have a friend named Dodge.
We have a friend named Dodge. Shout
out Dodge. Dodge and Jen listen to this podcast. So shout out to you guys. What up
guys? And something crazy,
So Ron and Juliana actually were dating during the time of this filming, which could have been awkward or super fun. Not really sure. And I think they met because he had a character arc on ER, which she was also on.
I love that. And I feel like Ron. Was sort of a heartthrob back in this time, like early two thousands.
I feel like I saw him. Okay. Maybe not like a major heartthrob, but I feel like I saw him in a few things and he was always the like, Attractive, blonde, muscley man.
You know, I love a blonde, but like, I wouldn't call him, not for me at least. But he doesn't do
it for you.
Not here at least.
That's okay. And our next up is Desmond Harrington, who plays Jack Ferryman. And I love him because he's in deep. Dexter. Dexter. We love Dexter. We're big Dexter fans, so hope you
guys are
too. Yeah, and if you haven't watched it, go fuck yourselves. I'm so kidding. I'm really sorry. And then we have Isaiah Washington who plays Greer and he's Burke in Grey's Anatomy.
You guys, this is a stacked cast. I
feel like there's a lot of hospital
amongst these people.
then we have Alex Dimitriads who plays Santos. And I did not find anything that I recognized him in. I'm not sure if you did. Fair enough. I think the heartthrob here, in my opinion, is Carl Urban, who plays Munder.
And I feel like he's in everything. He's in Lord of the Rings, Doom, Star Trek, The Boys, amongst other projects. I love him. He is hot. Yes. So hot. Want to touch the hiney. Yes. another girl on our top build cast. is Emily Browning and she plays Katie. She was in the series of unfortunate events and I used to love those books and I loved that movie.
She's also in this fucked up movie called Sleeping Beauty. Don't watch it.
Oh, scary.
Or do.
the theatrical poster for Ghost Ship was inspired by the poster for Death Ship, which is from 1980.
And this is another film about a haunted ocean liner. Have you seen that else?
I haven't either, but now it's 100 percent on my list because I feel like. There's some ties and inspiration to that film. Another one is that director Steve Beck's last feature film as a director was this film. And he previously directed another Dark Castle Entertainment horror film, which we talked about which was 13 Ghosts in 2001.
So he was on a little bit of a hot streak during this time. Another fun fact is that the shooting of this film took place on the Gold Coast in Australia, and filming some of the scenes set in the ocean was particularly intimidating for some of the cast and crew, because there was a large amount of shark activity at the time, and I'm not going to lie, it If I was in that same position, I'd probably be a little bit sketched to be in the water in Australia, too, as well.
Oh, for sure. And not just for sharks, but like lots of ocean creatures in the Gold Coast. Plus cold. That would be probably the least of my worries, but yeah, that's also another issue. the last one that I have here is the movie poster features the queen of Mary as the stand in for the Antonia Graza, which is the name of the ship in this film.
And we sure do love the queen Mary.
And we were just there.
We were just there. We had a grand old time. And we cannot wait to be back.
And just one more thing is we have another actress who is in the movie who is not such a relevant player but she plays Francesca and she actually survived. Like sinking it or grounding of a ship where 33 people died after this movie got made.
Wait, what? Yeah. Wait. Francesca, who plays Francesca? She survived a ground, like a running a ground.
What does that
mean? You like run into the ground in your ship, like tips over.
Oh shit. Oh, oh, oh, oh. Like an abrupt halt, like your ship hits the ground.
Yeah. And you're like tips over.
Oh my
Yeah. And she survived that. And 33 people, she was, she was filming like a reality TV show.
Oh my God. That's terrifying. Yeah. So. Also scary that that happened after she filmed this I know movie.
So maybe it's got a curse on it too.
So this film opens with a luxurious atmosphere aboard the Italian ocean liner called the Antonio Graza. Wow. Okay. .
Did I do a good job? I'm not sure actually.
Oh, oh, okay. Okay. Sorry. I guess we're going with that and they have this bitch and cute. Ghost ship font. It's like Barbie. It's like Barbie script Barbie pink and For some reason that sticks in my head so big like and it's like this cutesy pop Entry song and this cutesy pop title scene. So it's we enter with like a good vibe.
I love it, too It doesn't really match like the whole movie, but that's sort of what I love about it
What's the word that I can't say? I like the juxtaposition Juxtaposition you did it. I did
You did it. I'm so proud
and we see these like wealthy passengers All dressed in really glamorous attire and they are dancing in the ship's grand ballroom while we are introduced to Francesca who is a beautiful italian singer and she is serenading them with a song.
I think it's called like senza fine
Senza fine. Oh, oh, I know look at me And something funny is she actually messed She like fucked up some of these lyrics.
Wait, really? In real life? Even though she's like
an actual Italian singer. Yeah. Like in the movie? In the movie. Yeah. Unless that's not true. And IMDb lied to me.
Oh, that's funny. But like how fucking hot is she in that orange dress contrasted against her beautiful olive skin? She is
so gorgeous. So hot.
But yeah, so we're, we're in this like luxury liner and they're partying it up in this beautiful thing. It reminds me of the ship.
The ballroom reminds me of the Queen Mary's ballroom. It
does. But I think it was
kind of modeled after that a little bit.
I think so. I think there's definitely like some influences.
And something cool is this is actually a thing because it's like a, they did the captain's ball on these beautiful ships.
Like it's when you're getting closer. It's like the last night before you get to your destination.
Oh. And they
did, , the captain comes out and dances with everybody and hands out champagne. And it's a big beautiful thing. And they get all goozied up. I'm like, these fuckers were so close to being home.
Oh my god, that just added like a whole other dark element to know, I know.
So like, bummer. Oh my god, sad. Also, have you ever been on a cruise?
I haven't, and I'm not gonna lie, don't really have any desire to. Have you?
I've been on two, and At the time they were fun, but now as an adult i'm like fuck that
I feel like I could maybe go on like a one or two day one and that is it I don't want to be out on the ocean for like an extended period of time.
I think everybody on a cruise would really get to me and i'd actually start to get cabin fever after a while
No for sure and like back in the day, maybe this is just a better means of transportation Not like a fun thing. I went for like partying Oh, see, yeah, like I'd be maybe down for that.
there's that one from like, Emo's Not Dead. Have you seen that? I would love to go on that. Yeah, maybe we do that.
However, I'm still scared of ships, so no. Yeah, okay. So, anyways. Moving on from that. We get introduced to Katie Harwood, and she's a young little pretty girl who's traveling alone.
Who the fuck lets their daughter travel alone on a ship?
okay, real quick, rewinding. This is supposed to be 1962 and I don't know why, but the vibes give me so much older, like the vibes give me like 1920s and I was going to say maybe in the 1920s, this is just what you had to do sometimes.
the only mode of transportation was by boat in a lot of cases, if you were going to be going like from one country to another, I know it's weird to us to think of a young child going alone, but maybe it was like, so normal back then, , but this is actually 1962. Planes existed.
That is true. I wonder where they're. trying to go from and get to also. Yeah,
I'm not sure.
But that's just my curious brain. Yeah. So Katie's sitting on the floor and she's like fucking bored and she's playing with the toy and this cute little steward comes up and changes her little letter toy thing to, I'm so bored.
And I thought that was nice of him to. You know, interact with her. And then the ship's captain, offers her a dance and I'm like, oh my God, I would be so honored if the captain came up to me and offered me a dance.
When everything in this scene is so set up to be such a great night, it is that party like Ally was talking about where it's just probably the night or two before they're gonna, arrive at their destination.
Because I feel like make voyage would be like you're going on the trip, right?
End voyage. End voyage.
I'm just making up shit now.
Well, and , meanwhile, as everyone's having a grand old time and Katie is dancing with the captain and everything. Okay. This scene is just, if you've seen ghost ship, you know, the scene it's immaculate. It's immaculate. A mysterious hand presses a lever and we only see the hand and it causes this like, Thin wire, but I want to say it's still a thick wire for like, the layman,
but if it's
a thin wire, maybe for like a ship and industrial tools and stuff.
it reminds me of something that you would tow, like in Jurassic park when they have them on the jeep so that they tow, you know what I mean?
Everything comes back to Jurassic park.
Well, in this thin wire unravels and it snaps across the dance floor. And
silence ensues.
We were listening to music and silence just totally ensues.
everyone is sort of just in a freeze state. They're like looking
around just in shock.
Yeah. They're like looking around in shock. and you see their little eyeballs move, but nobody's walking or moving or whatever.
But we just see. People, items, everything start to slide in half, and I'm talking people's bodies. Yes. And it is so gnarly because this wire has sliced through the dancing crowd and it is Basically killing everyone almost instantly and katie is spared because of her height apparently she's watching in shock too as all of these bodies just like fall around her and it's this I want to say cute scene, but it's not really that cute But all these bodies falling around her and she's embracing the captain like for safety And then realizes his head has also been sliced and then he falls away from her too And it's like that was her last standing piece of safety
lol last standing piece of safety but uh, actually, myth busters did a test on this and This wire could in fact not do this And if it could katie would not have been spared.
She's not she just would have been Cut higher up than her torso.
That's what I was thinking too. I was is she really that short? Or it would have been maybe more believable if they had her like, bend down to tie her shoe or something. you know what I mean? Sure, yeah. I don't know.
But, regardless, this scene slaps. When I saw this in theater, I was already excited to see this, but when I saw this opening scene, I was like, Yeah, I'm gonna fuck with this.
So good. Well, and in 2016, the media website called Coming Soon named this film's opening scene as one of the greatest in horror film history, which I agree.
And , I think that that should be more reflected in , the Rotten Tomatoes scores, but I digress.
Yes, we support this film, everyone.
Well this scene too has just always fucked me up in a good way, like it is so memorable, I feel like nobody has really done anything like it since that I can at least think of off the top of my head, I love when people do something so different in the horror genre, because as much as we talk about loving different horror tropes that are, , common themes within horror films or, , different odes to different movies and scenes that might be similar across different films.
I think it's really respectable when a horror filmmaker can do something totally out of the box that like people really haven't seen before. It's creative. It's so creative.
Within the first three to four minutes, you're going from, oh, how fun and cute to, oh, fucking shit.
Literally, you're like, oh, okay, great.
This is how it's going to start off. You're like, no wonder it's a ghost ship.
Yeah. So now everybody's dead on the ship. Fiend.
That's it. You're welcome,
So then 40 years later, so now we're in 2002 we meet a salvage crew led by captain Sean Murphy. This is the man that I said at the top of the build cast reminds me of a cheap Willem Dafoe.
Rude. they are doing some stuff with some. boat that took them, two months to get off of the bottom of the sea floor.
Something that bothers me about this scene, and I get that they're setting us up to, like, okay, this is what they do, this is who they are, but Epps, our main girl, she says something, like, Her delivery of the line just seems so poor.
She's like, it took us three months to get off the floor of the ocean. I will not lose her now. I don't know why it bothered me so much.
Like, it just feels so like ingenuine. Yeah, basically. Yeah. so we meet this entire crew. So the crew consists of Epps which is like the only female on the crew.
We have Greer, Dodge, Munder, and Santos. And they are now celebrating this, recent successful mission at a bar and they are, enjoying their drinks, having some, like, banter, just I think that they're also, like, splitting up the money that they got from this, salvage, too, so they're just, stoked and, like, happy to be there.
We're sort of learning about them, too, is, like for instance, Greer's, like, I'm gonna use this money for my, fiancé, we're just learning a little bit about, like, how they're spending their money and just getting to know their personalities a little bit.
In a weird way, it reminds me of Armageddon. Okay.
, I don't know. It just reminds me of like the crew coming together and they all have different reasons for like doing. No, that makes sense.
Nah, I get it. I get it. Aside from saving the world. Anyways. I'm going really off the tracks today. And then we're introduced to a guy named Jack Fairman and he is a pilot from a Canadian weather service and he approaches them at the bar with a potential job. Kind of weird that he just happens to be there and knows what they do.
he explains that he spotted a ship drifting in the Bering Sea and that since it's in international waters, it's likely available for them to salvage.
Also, they talk about a lot of nautical shit and like maritime law shit and a lot of it's inaccurate. yeah, you looked up these different laws. I know reference, right?
not sure why I did that Maybe because I love this movie so much. Well now
you know about maritime law.
No, it's already left my brain But but good for them if you didn't know like you you wouldn't know, And so they're talking about this Potential job and he's giving them pictures of this floating sea craft that he's tried to make contact with and the crew asks if He's told anybody else about this potential project or ship and he says not a living soul get it
ooh for telling
for shadowing and Meanwhile, they're the crews like hi, man.
We just got off this long ass mission. We're like a week away from being home and Even though they're apprehensive They're like, alright, fuck it. Let's do it.
Yeah, I think this speaks to, people having, , different motivations, right? So, like, they just got off of this, , amazing salvage, they're happy with the money that they got, but then the, allure of another potential, money cow.
Cash cow? Cash cow. Cash
cow. Cash cowboy.
Cash ship. Cash ship. Okay.
I think Captain Murphy, or Murphy, is saying it could be worth a couple million and that's when they all get a little greedy and decide, alright, fuck it, yeah.
you consider going? I was going to say, I probably would too.
If I'm already there I haven't even been home yet, , and tasted that sweet, homecoming, I probably would be like, you know what? I'm already fucking out here. I might as well do it.
I'd probably would too. But mind you, I would never be. a salvage person. I never would be a salvage person, let's be real.
Like, fuck that. That's like my worst nightmare. Actually.
You would salvage things like on land.
I would salvage. Maybe houses,
like old houses.
I would salvage white claw from a fridge. So I am a salvager.
I was like, you would do that or you do do that? I do do that actually. So
yes, I am a salvager. So it's, how much do I get, Emma?
Yeah. For two. Two million dollars. So once the crew agrees Jack is like, bro, I gotta go with you guys just to, you know, get my investment too.
yeah. And they agree to bring this man along.
This little, you know. This little weight that's, I don't know, like, I feel like it's just going to tie them down, like, I don't know.
How do you explain it?
I don't know. It seems like a liability.
It's a liability and I get that he wants the insurance on his cut of the money, but who would let like this dude on board?
you don't even know
him. Sign a contract or something. Yeah. We're now aboard the Arctic warrior, which is their tugboat.
Cute little name. And we're in the. Kitchen room? I know there's a name for it. But they're all in like their little bunk kitchen area where they all hang out and we're getting some banter between the crew. It's cute. And we're learning more and more about them and fuckin Jack Ferryman is like I'm getting seasick.
I'm like,
okay, sure you are.
What a be be.
What a be be. Actually, I get seasick, so, I'm a be be. And Santos is rockin out in the place where you, like, steer the boat. And he's got his nice, like, mud vane goin on, rockin out. Just Driving in this pouring rain, and then he's looking at his little Doppler thing, where you can see shit around where you are, and he keeps hitting it, and he's like, What the fuck am I looking at?
And he keeps seeing this large mass, which we obviously know is the ship, and he's like, Yo, Murph, you gotta come see this, this barometer thing shows some crazy ass shit. And then, while, while Murph is down there, they very quickly run into this massive ass ship.
I don't know, I feel like it comes out of nowhere and then they're like, fuck,
fuck, fuck.
And I'm not exactly sure how nobody got fucked up during this little bump into the shit.
Maybe they just, have had similar
situations before? Well, I mean, odds are they've experienced a lot of weird stuff. But. Murphy, once we do that, Murphy looks up and he sees this ship's name is the Antonia, wait, you do, you say it.
The Antonia Grasa. There we go. And Murphy's like, holy shit, it's the Antonia Grasa. And every, he seems to know it well and he like knows the history, but how the fuck does nobody else know about it on their crew?
I know, I want to learn a little bit more about how, Murphy knows about it.
Murphy seems wise and seasoned in the sea. Seasoned in the sea. Well, and so they board the ship. Also, like, how the fuck did they get up there? They, like, go up top.
I see them do, like, a crane thing,
but That must be it. Yeah, but
that, how the fuck tall can a tugboat carry a crane?
Like, I don't know. I don't get the physics, but good for them.
they're moving cautiously through this, weirdly preserved interior yes, it's like. Fucked up and water ridden and abandoned but parts of it are still in like good condition Like beautifully haunted.
Yes, like it's the only thing that has happened to it It seems is just time it doesn't seem like anything was crazy or like thrash necessarily. It's things are still there It's just beautifully haunted time
time cast a spell on you, I'm, um, here's a question for you.
Would you ever, like, okay, let's say we're salvagers and, like, we might make money. Would you go on this fucking decaying ship? Yes.
Couple of things. If I had some safety measures in place, I think I would go, for sure. Just to, like, go explore. We're kind of doing the same thing when we go on like the Queen Mary.
That's so different. Holy shit. I'm pretty sure. Well, I hope so that the Queen Mary doesn't have decaying floors. Yeah.
True. True, true, true. I'm just thinking like, , it's like same, same, but different. I've been to a boat graveyard before. Okay. Well,
that sounds sick as fuck. Yeah, but I didn't get on the ships.
My brothers did though.
I think I would just my pure curiosity. I love stuff like that. Abandoned things, things that have historical,
Same here, but not fucking a ship. And I, if you did that, I hope you have your tetanus shot. I hope you do in general, just in case. And while they're kind of navigating these halls the gangs being all funny and.
disrespecting and Murph is like you guys fucking show some respect for this old ship. I'm like you go Murph
I love that. You got to respect the sea. You got to respect things that are older I've always been taught you respect the ocean and everything in it. So
fish are friends not Anyways, ships are friends not
But so that while they're walking down the hallway, they see this pendulum clock You And something of note is they don't have those on boats or ships because like the buoyancy would fuck with like the pendulum.
Oh yeah. That's a really good point.
So look at me being a master of ship knowledge. I love that. And then right next to that, that clock is the letter game thing that Katie was playing with at the top of the film that said, I'm so bored. And then it turns into, welcome aboard. Very conveniently.
Very convenient.
While they're exploring they find some flooding. And Munder is being all macho, like, I got it, I got it, let me go first. And he falls through the fucking floor and Epps catches him. Good for her. She must do arm day a lot. And Munder's like, don't let go. I'm like, okay, Titanic.
um, we see EPS and she catches a fleeting glimpse of a young girl on the stairwell, and this is Katie and this is her first introduction to Katie and seeing her and a lot of, Situations where her and Katie are gonna come together.
Yeah, and something interesting to me is I think that Katie is kind of Because she's the innocent soul and that's why she can't like move on I think Katie is guiding Epps throughout this film to do the work that she can't do To save all the souls on board. She's like, she's like her little Guide to safety for what whoever can be saved.
She basically wants to like uncurse. Yeah, this whole situation.
Also while they're while she's pulling Munder up. He's like I shit my pants Love that for him And we also start to see that Epps is really Murph's number one guy Girl. They them. And she's, she's really a leader of the pack.
Yeah, she seems super, trusted by Murph, and I, I want to say that someone says something to Jack oh yeah, she's like a daughter to Captain Murphy.
I think you're right. Yeah.
So that always caught me too as well.
And, just randomly Dodge finds a modern digital watch on the bridge, and that's, they're like, well, what the fuck, this doesn't belong here, this is way too recent, this is not a 60s watch. So, okay, red flag, leave now, pay attention to these red flags.
Yeah, like, why would that be there, and that ship is still standing there, let's try to put two and two together, people.
So we're still exploring the ship and basically to me the ship is just screaming I'm a graveyard you this is your sign to run like
Epps actually admits to Jack that she thinks she saw a ghost and I'm like, bro You just met this homie.
You know nothing about Jack. Do not tell him this shit. That's not good also red flag also a red flag and our All right Our little salvage group finds out that if they don't fix the ship within three days uh, it will sink and Jack seems stressed. Hmm. Okay, foreshadowing. Why are you so stressed, bro? also, why is this crew, the entire crew, so hot?
Who would you, who's your number one? I feel like you could guess. Actually, I don't know.
Is that the one I like too?
The one that fell through the floor.
Yes. I like Munder and I like Greer. I think they're the hottest. Yeah. Greer is super cute too. Also Epps is attractive.
Epps is just
a badass. Yeah, which is attractive. Yeah. Anyways. So that that is clarified. So they can all get it, I guess. I used to find Jack, he's not part of the crew. I used to find him attractive as well.
I did too, but this role, he seems like a little wussy boy to me. Now after
seeing him in Dexter, I'm like, nah, I'm cool.
Yeah. So now Epps is exploring the pool area. Which definitely looks like the pool in the Queen Mary and it really freaks me the fuck out. And you can see some bullet hole damage in the pool walls. Another red flag.
Scary. And we didn't get any indication of what happened with that at the beginning of the film.
Nope. That comes later. Yay. But she goes down to check it out and sees all these holes and actually bullet shells and maybe just like don't. And as she's trying to climb up back out of the pool on those janky ass pool stairs, I hate pool like ladder things. Those are like my worst nightmare.
Especially when there's no fucking water.
And so she's getting up on this sketch ass ladder in the sketch ass pool and she, fucking Katie, our little ghost girl, appears right up top where she's supposed to be climbing out.
Maybe Katie, wait till she's up to scare her. boom, boom. So fucking Epps falls and hits her head in. I, I bonked mine recently and I probably wouldn't have been able to get up after that. But, so she hits her head and she starts to get back up and all of a sudden, Jack is there. And for, I don't know what this means at all.
Jump scare. Jump, jump scare, but also stalker much? Yeah, he scares me from a
stalker perspective,
but he throughout this entire film, he keeps grabbing his shoulder and I'm, I'm not sure what that means. I don't think we get any indication, but I noticed it like throughout the entire movie.
Oh, weird. Now I want to rewatch and see if I noticed that.
I, I, but like we, I don't, I've seen it a million times and I still don't know why, like do ferrymen get bad shoulders? Maybe he got a shoulder replacement. I'm not really sure.
If any of you guys. Um,
and while this is happening, Greer is with Murph, they're just wandering the corridors and they find the Capitano's quarters and they, they both start to walk and Murph looks back at Greer and, and with like a off bitch and this is captain time.
Greer's like, all right, yeah, okay. Go Capitano. And in the captain's quarters, he finds a. Bloody ass, sweetie Todd knife. I feel like this is the second time we've talked about a sweetie Todd knife, but I digress and just something that irked me. Um, so this, this knife was in the sink and it's kind of red.
And if it were truly from 40 years ago or however long ago, it would be Brown. Because blood, fresh blood is red, but old ass blood is brown. But we love a little goof. We love a little.
Or is it maybe more recent blood?
It's not. and just a side note. I, I feel like a captain's quarters would be so much nicer.
It just looks like a basic ass cabin room. Sometimes that's all captains need though. Fair enough. We love
a humble cap.
Yeah. And he's looking around these quarters and we know that Murphy doesn't drink because he, he, you know, alcohol was his sin or whatever. And we see some kind of alcohol and a glass and we see Murphy is like eyeing that alcohol real hard in the temptation and the stress and everything.
And then we see the fucking ghost of the captain. And this is the second time, there's only three times in this movie where our, our living people see, encounter spirits on the ship. This is our second one. So the first one is Epps and Katie. This is our second one where it's Captain and Murph and I don't know if you caught that at all.
Yeah. And then,
We'll get to the next one. I was like, I'll leave the
third one. Yeah. We'll get to the next one.
And then we're in the ballroom, and if you look throughout these, it's a beautiful, I watched them behind the scenes, they made this whole ass ballroom, like, actually.
Oh my god. I
That's amazing. It's beautiful. And throughout the ship you can see murals everywhere, and the murals indicate the strife and struggle between Katie and, spoiler alert, the ferryman. So check that out. Oh
my God. That's like a real fun fact.
That's like kind of midsummery. Oh, that is, you know, you know, yeah.
The murals, it's kind of saying this is what the fuck's going to happen. So anyways, Greer's in the ballroom, just kind of walking around and. He's looking down the elevator shaft and I'm like, oh god
another foreshadowing another
foreshadowing But he also hears this he sees like a there's like a lit cigarette or like a cigarette with lipstick or something That's like kind of smoking.
I don't know if he sees that but we do and he hears some faint singing and he's like, oh I
like Dodge and Munder are together doing their little side exploration. And they are discovering the engine room and seeing that it is completely flooded. And they also start to hear some shit over one of the radios.
And it sounds like a sexy ass woman's voice.
And then when they all get back together, the crew, Greer dodge them under like, who's fucking with us over the radio. And Greer's like, you guys, I heard some shit. And it was the sexiest fucking voice I've ever. And the guys are like, maybe you're not quite ready to get married.
then we're back with Epps and Ferryman and they stumble upon the decayed corpses of another salvage crew. So this obviously raises alarm finally amongst the team Basically it's just a lot of these red flags that we were seeing earlier. Now we're getting an understanding as to what's happening and why it happened.
Well, it, the, the bodies straight up just come out so fast and the consistency and color of the water made me want to like barf. Yeah. It's disgusting. And EPS says these bodies maybe have been here for three there for months or maybe less. I'm like, okay, fucking red flags. And as. Jack and Epps are like, what the fuck?
Mostly Epps is like, freaking the fuck out. Jack kind of gets distracted by a car in the like, storage room or whatever, and then that leads them to discovering this fucking buck like, trunk of gold. And I'm like, does this change anything? Please still leave. There are you just got you have body goo all over you.
I also feel like we have seen enough movies to where, you know never to fuck with, somebody else's, treasure that is, not yours. Like, it is likely cursed. You are likely gonna die. It is not fucking worth it. you literally just found a crew of dead people.
But do, do, do you think they know that, I mean, I guess because they know that they're fresh bodies, but, like, do you think they know they're a crew?
I would assume so. Yeah. Cause like who else would be on there? I don't know.
Pirates. Could be. Yeah. But
pirates still have crew.
That's true. Jack Sparrow, where are you at? and while this is all happening, we hear some radio stuff going on there. People are, Eps is like, who the fuck's calling out for me on the radio, and it says go to the galley.
And this part actually freaked me out, because they go to the galley, and I'm like, okay well, actually don't, because if it's a scary voice, don't. Don't do it. But it's, it's like um, I don't know, a meat locker room? And there's like, meat locker things hanging, and then we see two, the, some of them moving, and it turns out to be Tweedledee and Tweedledum just pulling a dumb fucking prank.
And that
is Dodge and Munder
for Yeah, oh, yeah, Dumb and Dumber, like, Tweedledee, Tweedledum same, same. But, and they're like, Haha, we fucked with you, and she's like, You wanna know something fucking funny? We just found a bunch of dead people. And some gold. And some gold. But they Piggybacking off of that they all the whole team goes to see the gold and Jeff is laughing with joy And I'm like what the fuck bro, maybe be more subtle with your he's so sketch And they're evaluating how much the gold could be worth and they say like two to three mil But the markings on the gold bars have been filed down so no one could find it red flag Excuse me
been so many.
And Greer is like, This is so fucking sketch. We gotta advance. I don't care. About. This gold we got to leave and everyone is like, okay, well we have gold. Let's leave the boat, take the gold. And so
let's, let's bounce the fuck out. as they're preparing to depart, a supernatural force opens a gas valve in the engine room of the, uh, Arctic warrior as Santos is trying to get things ready for them to bounce.
And unfortunately, when the crew starts the engine, the tugboat explodes, and this instantly kills Santos and leaves a lot of the others stranded slash injured
And something I always caught is as. This is about to happen, as this explosion is about to happen. Katie's on the top of the boat saying, Stop, you don't know what you're doing.
And then she gets fucking yeeted by a mysterious Force. Oh, yeah. I
forgot. She does. She gets tackled. She literally gets tackled. I
don't know where she went, but she got yeeted. Yeah.
And it's so sad too, because it's like the timing of it. It's just one second too late because Katie warns Epps, Epps screams to Rear.
Someone on the boat. And then, and Santos is also, he, he noticed that the gas was open and he's also screaming to Greer, no, but then of course Greer presses that red button to start the engine and hence, fire.
Hence, R. I. P. Santos. R. I. P.
R. I. P. brother.
So, Santos is out, the tugboat's out. I want to know, okay, so I want to know how Everbee got back
on the ship.
Well, can we talk about too, how Epps, when she saw that the ship exploded, she jumped from the top of the ship into the water? would that not break some of your bones? I mean, she probably has experience with diving properly into water, but still, it didn't look proper.
Good for her. But so like basically everyone's in the water now, most of the team alive.
But they get back on top of the ship. Like they get back. How your little, your, crane thing isn't existent anymore. How'd you get up?
I think they must've ran into a. Humpback whale. Oh, and the humpback was spouting water out of their spout hole and then they got boosted up onto the ship.
That's just my theory.
Oh, I love that one. How about You know that like Jolly is like Jolly Green Giant Like what's the thing where the thing about
Jack and the Beanstalk Jack and
the Beanstalk came up Out of the ocean and led them aboard up top. Yeah. That's another theory. Cool. I like it. Everybody tell us what you're coming, but so they're fucked.
They don't have a tug boat anymore. And so their only real option is to repair the fucking ship and get them back to safety. of
course that's gonna happen. I know
and meanwhile, everybody should listen to Greer. He's like, let's make a fucking raft and Let's get the fuck out of here. Jack is still obsessed about the gold like fuck the gold Jack
he doesn't give two shits about people that have just died
and this stress that they're all going through right now is Driving the team apart and I'm like yikes.
That's not good. So while all this debating is going on, we see Dumb and Dumber, AKA Dodge and Munder, all the. That rhymes with that.
Oh my god, it does. They're like fucking hungry and they're testing out old ass food out of cans and because they want, I mean, they're, you're hungry, right? And they start to pop them open and they're like, okay, not bad. Not bad. Yum. Okay. Try it. Oh bro, you got to try this one. So fucking good. And then one of them is like, Oh, what's, what's that on your chin?
And then all the food turns to like maggots and stuff. Disgusting. Okay, Lost Boys.
that scene kicks off a series of scenes that we're going to talk about what happened in them as a whole, but as you're watching the film, it's going back and forth between the different characters and like their experiences.
But another thing that happens is Greer has a situation where he is drawn deeper into the ship. By this haunting voice of Francesca and as you might remember, He was already hearing her voice a little earlier saw the lit cigarette And this is the same singer from the 1962 ballroom francesca
And he's got like he's like wobbling around he's he's curing his stress with some champagne that he found good for being resourceful and while he's just wobbling around the ballroom the whole ass place gets lit up like goes up and very much CGI effects But it goes back to its like original awesome status and it looks fucking lit and now he's not even questioning it he's like, okay, I'm in this bitchin party from the 19 whatevers I He sees Francesca and Francesca he's like Francesca.
I know all this isn't real. So I'm just gonna go with it You for sure aren't ready to get married, bro
1000 percent you know, , she's like this beautiful apparition and she's seducing him She basically starts taking off her dress and like she got some good boobies.
Yeah, she gets like totally nude She gets
me. I mean, I don't know about totally nude But
well, then he like starts taking off his clothes and is going towards her but she leads him to the edge of the elevator shaft and unfortunately, he's
like he's like reaching out for her and just goes like right through her and then
He falls to his death, joining the ship's collection of trapped souls.
But then when Francesca is like, word, and turns around, she goes back, she like, turns into a decrepit body, like, dismembered body, but like, what does that remind you of? The Shining. Yes. Exactly. There's so many parallels to The Shining. The Shining,
it also reminds me of Thirteen Ghosts. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Like, yeah. I feel like there's always a creepy, seductive woman trying to wreak havoc on men.
And then they turn back into their gross. Yeah.
Yeah. okay, bye bye Greer. And then we have another situation that happens with Murphy, Yeah. Yeah.
Captain Murphy explores the captain's cabin or the, what was it? Capitano Capitano Capitano. Where he encounters the ghost of the original captain, like we talked about a little earlier and he starts drinking with this captain. And it's very weird because I feel like. , we know as the audience that he doesn't touch alcohol anymore.
Yeah, and then we see him so Quickly and easily pick up some I think like scotch or something. I don't know. I was brown.
I'm just gonna guess I feel like scotch sounds fancy. Yeah,
it does sound fancy some uh, McLevin,
I don't even know. I'm not that fancy.
No, I'm
Something all I know is scotchity scotch scotch scotch scotch
stay classy, San Diego anchorman. Thank you So as they're drinking together and somehow this ghost captain can hold a glass But other ghosts on the ship can't, like, hold stuff? I don't know. Yeah,
kind of weird.
And somehow, Capitano knows about poor Santos, and Murph is That's probably where Murphy's drinking, because he's like, Fuck, we lost Santos, we lost the boat, I've Oh yeah, I
think that all the stress has led him to the bottle.
And the captain's kind of explaining why they're fucked.
the captain from the Antonio Graza is explaining to Captain Murphy that they had salvaged a gold stash from another sinking vessel called the Lorelei and it only had one survivor. I think Murphy's starting to put things together because he's like, okay, so you guys got the gold from another ship.
have the gold from your ship. He's trying to put two and two together. the captain gives him a photo of lone survivor from the Lorelei.
And we don't see the photograph itself, but we see that Murph recognizes who's in the fucking photo.
And you can see his Face basically he just like realizes this weird grim truth and before he can warn any of the others He is overcome with some supernatural visions of santo's burned ghost This causes the remaining crew to believe that murphy has gone mad and
they can tell he's been drinking They're like what the fuck dude,
dude, you just need to like chill this is not the time, , and so they end up locking murphy in a drained fish tank this
Makes zero sense to me because why would you just drop somebody?
How are you to get him out? he's not doing anything Why not just like
just him to a chair
or something or
someone just hang out with him and watch him Yeah, like calm him down.
There's a much better solution also with my new knowledge of ships fish tanks could not have been possible on ships Cruise ships in the 1960s.
I'm not sure. They just weren't a thing like with that. They just weren't, this would not be possible on this kind of ship in this decade.
You're welcome. We'll have to dive into that one a little bit. I'm a myth buster. then we have another interesting situation with another crew member.
So this time we are circling back to Katie and Epps Epps is looking for Katie's room. I think she's super curious. She wants to know a little bit more about Katie's history, especially with Katie, trying to warn her about certain things that have happened now on the ship. I think Epps is finally starting to realize Katie is probably there to help her in some way.
I know Els, you had a note about.
I just, we love continuity errors. So as Epps is looking for Katie's room, she's wearing. She has not actually procured yet, and I'm surprised that the film crew did not catch that in editing.
Yeah, they did not catch
it. And she eventually finds Katie's room because she looked at the shiplog.
And her room's like cute. She's got like cute little girl sh shit. Like, something I noticed is all the stuff in her room seems younger than she looks. Like, very young girl. But she, if you had to guess, how old is Katie?
I feel like she's probably like,
11. I was gonna say 12.
Yeah, 11 or 12. But she's
got like dolls.
I guess that's like,
Fine. I think I played with dolls until I was 11. I still played with dolls. Yeah. . .
And as she's exploring her room, she actually finds poor Katie's corpse hanging in the closet and she has a locket on the locket that I said that EPS was wearing before she actually procured it.
and PPS actually takes the locket off. Of katie and i'm like what the fuck so brave. Well, actually why though? Yeah, I have no idea And then we see katie's like yo Please don't close that locket. I haven't seen those pictures for years and I think it's her parents, right? Yeah, which is so sad like totally tugs at your heartstrings
And I think this is the first time right that katie's really talking directly to epps Yes, you're right.
Yeah, like they're actually having a conversation. Totally. Yeah. As they keep talking, Katie is revealing to Epps the dark history of the boat.
And she, she holds, I don't know if you caught this, she holds up her hand and she's got a marking on it. Yes, yes.
She's like, please, she's like, please, I can't, I can't. And we see this like weird hook marking. Yep. And as she's explaining how shit went down, something, the room starts to like shift, like, and something is like definitely coming after her. And she disappears. So, everybody's like, fuck this shit, let's fix this boat and get home.
And they actually make a lot of effort to do so. They're like, trying to drain the bow and, I don't know, do salvage y shit. But they're making some good strides. And, as Epps goes to find Greer, she discovers that he's dead and he's got Like, he's He landed on like gear shafts and just the it's like It's a quite a scene.
It's quite a scene. It's pretty
graphic Yeah, it's like really thick wiring for an elevator and it's stabbed through his body
Where did the elevator go?
question. It's a movie. Yeah
It is a movie
anyways, so she discovers that and poor Greer He is I don't know how this happened, but there's a picture of his fiance on his chest. I'm like, so sad so sad and While this is happening, Dodge and Munder are like betting, kind of making a bet on who needs to go down in the engine room to like put the hose in to drain the thing.
it's totally flooded down there. So someone has to dive and actually go underwater
I think they're, they're putting a ho, like laying down a hose or yeah, to like
start draining it. Yeah.
So unfortunately Munder. loses the rock, paper, scissors, or whatever the fuck they do.
And he dives in to go do the thing.
we see a scene where Katie is explaining to Epps the whole story of the Antonia. she is explaining that the lone survivor of the Lorelei in a league with some of the Antonia Graza's crew orchestrated a massacre to claim the gold from the ship. It's
an epic scene.
She's not She basically is just like, let me show you. So she like walks Epps through this entire thing and we see how the crew, like you said, has orchestrated all of this. And we see scenes of guests dying from like food poisoning. And then obviously the cord cutting at the beginning and random throat slitting, and then we see the pool thing.
There was, there was a mass shooting at the pool. Also, why are you like captain's ball at the pool? Were there appetizers down there?
where they're at. That's probably where I would be if someone was like, there's some free food down here. But yeah, it's really weird.
they held up a bunch of people in the pool area and shot them.
And then for some reason, the staff. Kind of corners Katie and we see them drag her down the hall and kill her and she kind of winces when that happens And I'm like, oh, it's really sad poor Katie. It's really sad
but then as this is happening to we also see that in like a weird series of like Betrayals of one crew to the other person to person like Francesca the singer She kills one of her accomplices who it seemed like her and this one guy were like Oh, we're gonna make it off with the gold.
they're basically They start, the staff starts killing each other, and then Francesca in her sexy dress is, she's like, Okay, they're in, they're in this room where the car was and the gold was, and she basically shoots like the other last man standing that's not in a tuxedo. Whoops, yeah, that sucks.
And then this mysterious dude who's in the tux, they start, her and, he and Francesca start kissing, and then we get a side glimpse. Of his face, and it's fuckin Jack Ferryman.
then a hook has been released from above Francesca. And it hooks right into her, chin and throat area and starts, swinging her.
It's a pretty epic scene. Didn't you say this was like an ode to like my bloody valentine? Yeah, that is so cool. Isn't that
cool? I
love that.
We love that.
Yeah, it is a pretty epic scene too Just seeing her body swing back and forth too gives me. I know what you did last summer vibes, too Oh,
yeah for sure and like her blood's all dripping all over the floor like making a painting Rorschach test it, Yeah, and then we see The actual full image like the the dude in the tux turns around and we see the full image of Jack Ferryman He's he's walking away.
He's the now he's again the lone survivor.
Yeah, he is the lone mysterious survivor man from the Lorelei ship and I don't know if this is totally accurate but I had read in some of my research and notes that he was a weird demonic spirit who manipulates events to claim souls No, that's what,
that's what so in the film, his last name was Ferryman.
and there is a thing called Ferryman, F E R R Y M A N. And that's a like thing of lore where people would collect souls. Ferryman collects souls, just like cops collect tickets.
Well, there he is.
Gotta meet his quota.
after we learn about all this. Shit and history of the Antonia Grasa.
Are you guys annoyed by that yet?
I think you keep saying it a little different every single time
Well, I think I was saying Antonio for a little bit because I love Antonio Banderas.
I think it is Antonio though
No, it's Antonia.
Is it? Mm hmm. Cuz it's a girl.
Yeah, she's a lady. But anyways So Epps, who is pretty horrified by Katie's revelations, hurries to try to find Murphy.
And this is so sad. It's so sad. She discovers him drowned in the now flooded fish tank, which is so sad, but ironic because he was in an empty fish tank and now it's filled and he drowned.
Well, and I'm like, doesn't this defeat ferryman did this, doesn't this defeat the purpose of Having it not sink because you're just adding more weight and water to the ship.
Also, how do you do that?
Good question. Good question
So while we're seeing this really sad scene and Epps is like fuck my father figure is has drowned We see him with a picture that's floating and he's like That the Capitano gave him, and the picture is of the last survivor on the Lorelei, and it's Jack Ferryman.
So we're all putting this together. So we're all learning, or dying, you know, this is, this is what's going on. goes to tell Dodge what's going on, and Jack pulls up right after, right quick, like stalker motion, and he for sure hears that Epps is telling Dodge that Jack is fucked, like he's the killer.
But I think she does a pretty good job of covering, like she sort of acts like, I don't know, she's thinking on her toes, I feel like, and she's immediately like, Oh Dodge, why don't you stay here, , with Jack? Yeah. You guys just make sure you don't let each other out of your sight.
And then she gives Dodge a gun.
Which I love.
Meanwhile. Mudder's still underwater, and we see his untimely death. He gets crunched by some like mo I don't know how the motor is working. What kind of motor is this? Why is it working? It's a ghost ship. Okay.
I also think that this scene is truly terrifying.
I'm have a weird irrational fear of getting caught in machinery. it's kind of partly why I really think that the movie Sinister is terrifying. You know, with, with the lawnmower and stuff. I just get really freaked out by really, really big machinery. Because Shit like this does happen.
No, for sure, they could fuck your shit right up.
Yeah, basically any machinery. Yeah. Really freaks me out.
Women and machinery, as it said in Titanic. So, Dodge and Jack are actually in the in the bri the Captain's Bridge, I think. And, Dodge realizes that Ca like, Jack is evil, and he starts to like, talk shit about Dodge, like, you're a pussy. you can't even tell the girl you love her, you love her, who is Epps.
And just starts to talk shit, and Dodge actually shoots. Jack, but then he's obviously still alive
I think realizing that jack had lured them aboard to repair the antonia graza epps really gets to this point in her story arc where she's Deciding that the only way that she can really defeat him entirely is to just like beat him Destroy this ship and she will go
down with this ship
She's like if this is for the greater good to keep from the cycle continuing like I'm gonna do it I was trying to sing, but thank you.
Oh, sorry.
Anyways, she so she's saying that and do you think that the ferryman fucked this shit up? the ship up intentionally just to get them there, or did it actually hit something? In terms of like how it was stranded? Yeah, I'm just wondering like, okay, he went from the Lorelei to this ship. Did he just actually need help getting the ship back to port?
Port! That's the word I was looking for at the beginning. No, I
think a hundred percent that's what he needed. He needed a crew, and so that's where he found them.
and he must have done it previously too with that other crew,
okay and they found out So that's why they died. Got it. Cool.
Everybody be dying. Everybody be dying. Epps arms explosives in strategic locations throughout the ship Then she counters dodge but his Unusual demeanor just raises her suspicions that he may be Ferryman.
so as he's turned around, he starts to laugh so it's Dodge, but he starts to laugh like the ferryman, and he turns around and it just turns into Jack. It like morphs into him, yeah. It reminds me of um, in The Craft when she changes her hair. Yes, oh my gosh.
Or The End too, when she like turns into Sarah.
Yeah, totally.
I don't know why it reminded me of that.
Epps confronts the ferryman who finally reveals his true nature as the salvager of souls which is a demonic role that he earned throughout a lifetime of sin.
I wonder what his sin was. What would you guess?
Lots of them.
I think he was a little Probably murdering.
Oh, I was gonna say a little man whore.
Probably. Probably that too. Or a bunch of
sin. Yeah, probably so much sin. All of it. Yeah. And he is like, Epps, bitch, I'm a salvager just like you are.
Well, and then Ferryman explains that innocent souls like Katie's are beyond his control So he can't really manipulate them as well But he uses that Antonia Graza as a trap for others and with each victim trapped aboard He satisfies the demands of his supernatural management is what he calls it quote unquote I'm like we all want to satisfy management, but like could we not in this instance?
basically he can only keep doing this, as long as the ship is afloat.
Yeah, and he, he gotta get, like I said, you gotta get that quota. You know, we all meet our, we all meet our sales goals. You know, we got, or we try to. You got to please management. It's cute. It's Q4. We got to close out a good year.
Oh God. Gross. Sorry, everyone. Corporate girls here. But then EPS is like, fuck that. I want my crew back. And ferryman is like, sorry. Once a passenger's marked, they're mine. And remember how Katie was marked? Yeah, so sad. Yeah, so it's kind of like that but so he's like, yeah, they're mine now And then Epps is like well fuck then I guess it's over
Epps Falls into the pool and shoots the detonator
Setting off all of the explosives and this causes a chain reaction that begins to finally sink the Antonia Graza.
as the ship floods and begins to descend into the ocean, Katie's spirit helps Epps escape and sort of guides her to safety. It was
like a cute little scene.
She's like, come, come. She's just been helping Epps the entire time. Yeah. And, , they have this cute little connection and relationship now.
They're helping each
Yeah. And then we also see some of the souls of the other trapped people aboard start to ascend to their afterlife. And they're freed from Ferryman's grip as this ship goes under. And this, scene specifically, I think I called it out. It reminds me of Hercules, you know, when all the souls are like in the pools.
That's more of a negative cause I think that was down in Hades, but the scene reminds me of the same thing. imagine you're seeing a ship capsizing and then all these souls are going up and circling around the ship as they're like ascending.
It's a
beautiful scene. Can I tell you what it reminds me of? Go
Thank you. So, it's this beautiful, beautiful luminescent scene, and just like Emma described, it's kind of, it looks, it could look like a mountain. You know, it could look like a mountain. Of snow, and all the souls are a train going around it, up to the sky, like the fuckin Polar Express.
One of my favorite scenes. Thank you. Thank you. Claps for me. Thank you. I just had to give her that. Thank you.
after all of this, debacle with the ship going down and everything, Just like Rose on the Titanic finds, a piece of furniture that she is able to float on. She's, like, on some
bitchin trunk.
Also, wouldn't that trunk haveunless there's stuff in it. I don't know about buoyancy of a trunk. I was going to say,
we would probably need to know what's in there and it might float actually, if we're being honest, trapped air inside of it might help it float.
Yeah. That's what buoyancy is. But we all float down here.
Also would she not have been sucked down with the suction of a ship can bring you down so you drown? Would she not have done that?
This is another great question. But
maybe Katie's helping her. Like her, her love, like her spirit is lifting her up. That's nice. That's nice.
You lift me up.
That's not what it is. Well, an Epsis found drifting in the open sea, and she is thankfully brought to shore by a rescue ship. And as they are loading her onto an ambulance, she, and she's coming off of the boat into an ambulance truck. She sees Members of the rescue crew carrying the gold crates aboard their ship into her horror.
She sees Fairman amongst them smiling as he's overseeing all of the loading. Yeah.
And it's, it's a patient scene and it's like, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, like by mud vein. And Like she sees him. She's like, no!
Yeah, and then it ends. She's crying out in desperation as the ambulance doors close.
that's it. Also get a new outfit Jack. He's wearing the exact same thing. Maybe he is just cursed, cursed to wear
that outfit for forever.
I don't know. He had a tux in when he was on the Antonio Garza. That's true. Yeah, that's true.
But I was, what are your final thoughts? Oh my
God. How, how much time do we have on this one?
I love this so much. I, this is like literally one of my top five favorites of all time. And I know. This movie doesn't have a lot of praise but it really sealed the deal with me as like a young nina when I was like 11 and saw it And it sealed the deal with my love of horror. Obviously. I loved it before but this was like fuck.
Yeah And it was just like, it was pivotal for me. And I actually, I don't know if I said this before, but it actually inspired me to start writing like a short story about basically the same thing. Oh, I love that. Yeah. I definitely didn't finish, but it inspired me.
You should finish. You should try to do that.
I'm like, do I love this movie? Because it's a mix of spooky and Titanic. And you know, like it could be. And that's
a hundred percent, I think, why you love this movie. My
first love was Jack Dawson in the Titanic, and so I think It's a good combo and also I saw that this This movie had one award nomination.
I was like fuck Yeah and then I looked to see what it was and it was fangoria's chainsaw award for the worst film and then I was like Fuck. No, this movie slaps bitches I love this film Beautifully done from end to end. I love the beginning. I love the meat and potatoes. I love the ending. It was a perfect ending for me.
I'm, I'm, it's a chef's kiss. What are your thoughts?
I love this film too. And I think a lot of horror films That come out in the early two thousands, or even before that, I have a nostalgic feeling towards it because I remember watching it when it came out, I watched it with my dad. I remember it also being rerun on the sci fi channel or AMC or, USA, whatever, like net cable networks were like replaying these kinds of movies.
And my dad and I would just just sit down and, , not even know what we were getting into. And I just remember loving this film. And particularly that first scene with the wire cutting through everybody, Brilliant. It's just so brilliant.
And I used to fall asleep I used to have a DVD player in my room and I would fall asleep watching it.
So I don't know what that says about me.
I mean, it's a comfort movie.
I think.
I used
to do
the same thing for Texas
Chainsaw Massacre. Exactly. So I get it. We
all have our things. But did you think Ghost Ship is scary?
No, not at all. I mean, I think that there were like moments that really could have been scary.
I almost was just more scared of just general fear of how some of these people died, but not actually scaring me, if that makes sense. Did you think it was scary?
no, I just think it's fucking brilliant. I think the scariest thing about this movie to me is I am terrified of ships, especially dilapidated ones.
Well, and what was your favorite scene?
okay. I have a bunch, but. Again, like I said, the scene we just talked about, where we see the ferryman is still alive and going on to another ship, carrying the fucking gold, mud veins not falling, is slapping the base, it's, it's just fucking brilliant, a perfect ending to a movie.
yeah, it just, it shows like the perpetual cycle that like, ghost ship is going to, ghost ship is any ship that a ferryman is on.
Yeah. I'm a ghost ship, you know? Is Ferriman on you?
He could be. What was your favorite scene? I'm just gonna say it again, the wire scene. Yeah. Specifically, when that scene first happens, when people start falling to the floor and their bodies are like in pieces, there's this one part where this woman has her torso.
And she's like hugging it. well, she's like trying to bring herself together. And that to me was So well done, I thought. And just the effects of it and everything were so good.
If you're interested, there's a behind the scenes of how they did that. I thought it was super interesting.
Oh, I would love to see that. Yeah. No, I, that's a vivid memory in my mind where she's like, Oh, my legs, I gotta get them back to my torso. I love it. I love
it. All right, folks. Well, that was go ship. Thank you all so much for listening. And as a reminder, you can find us on social media at spooky chicks and horror flicks on Instagram and on Tik TOK.
And, , we ask if you are a fan of the podcast, please tell a friend, please, , share us with your little world. We love all of you guys and we love continuing to grow this spooky family. So thanks everyone.
And with that, dilapidated cruise ships are scary. So maybe don't fucking go on them.
Always trust the little sweet ghost girl who's trying to help you survive and stay spooky fuckers.