Spooky Chicks & Horror Flicks
Welcome to Spooky Chicks and Horror Flicks: A Horror Movie Podcast
The show where two horror-obsessed besties Emma & Ally, dive headfirst into the scariest, goriest, and most thrilling horror movies the genre has to offer. From haunted houses to cult classics, we dissect, debate, and hilariously discuss the movies that make your spine tingle and your popcorn fly.
With our mix of witty banter, chilling insights, and plenty of laughs, each episode is packed with horror movie recaps, behind-the-scenes fun facts, and our unfiltered opinions on the films you love—or love to hate.
Whether you’re into slashers, supernatural scares, or the campy gems of scary movies, we’ve got you covered. So dim the lights, pour a glass of wine, and get ready to scream, laugh, and obsess over all things horror.
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Spooky Chicks & Horror Flicks
35: Thanksgiving (2023)
This week, Emma and Ally carve into Eli Roth’s holiday slasher, Thanksgiving (2023). Join them as they unmask the killer Pilgrim terrorizing Plymouth with festive kills that would make Norman Rockwell weep. From Black Friday chaos to victims turned human turkeys, the hosts unpack the absurd gore, the twisted revenge plot, and whether this film deserves a seat at the table of great holiday horror.
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Hello, you little Thanksgiving turkeys. We are Spooky Chicks and Horror Flicks and thank you for joining us for another episode. I am Emma.
I'm Ally,
This is a surprise episode that is coming out on Thanksgiving Day. And Ally, do you want to tell us what we are reviewing today?
suppose. We are reviewing The film Thanksgiving. Not gonna lie. This is my first time watching it to review it and it kind of fucked me up and just word of the wise. Yes, this is a Thanksgiving ish movie, but I highly recommend putting down your mashed potatoes and gravy when you watch this one.
I love that.
Just a heads up. We spoil the shit out of everything we review. So if you don't want to be spoiled, go watch it on Netflix. Come back, listen to the episode, and you don't give a fuck Come along on this gravy boat drive with us. Speaking of corn on the cob, Emma. What have you been up to?
Man, what have I been up to?
Well, we're in the throes of the holiday season now. Happy Thanksgiving.
Happy Thanksgiving.
we have been having a blast the last couple of weeks. We actually just went to an amazing event called Creep It Real Festive, and it's our second time going, and we had an absolute fucking blast.
It's a really great Southern California horror event, and if you're around the area or want to travel to it, highly recommend.
And we got to hang out with not only the producer he came along with us, and then also our bestie, sassy sledgehammer, D'Andra. D'Andra, we know you're probably listening, so shout out to you. Shout out, girl.
Speaking of spirits being bright, what are you drinking today, Emma?
I'm actually drinking an apple cider sangria in honor of this film today. Can I try it?
Yeah, here. Thank you. Delish.
I love sangria. She's like, if it's not White Claw, I hate it. Well, what are you drinking?
Well, I'm drinking a White Claw and wine blood from Yulia's neck.
And if you haven't seen this and you don't get it right now, you'll get it later, I promise, and water from my big dub fucking cup.
There you go. Well, cheers. Cheers. And happy Thanksgiving. Happy
fucking Thanksgiving.
For the synopsis of Thanksgiving, we have, After a Black Friday riot ends in tragedy, a mysterious Thanksgiving inspired killer terrorizes Plymouth, Massachusetts, the birthplace of the infamous holiday.
I guess that is sort of concise.
That is pretty concise. we're going to find out later in the film, but I would have loved to see in here, in the synopsis, that specifically the killer is dressed as John Carver.
Which I think is the
is the first governor of Massachusetts, colony of
Plymouth. Oh, okay. you go. History lesson.
Yeah. I don't know why I retained that.
Well, and this film has a 6. 2 out of 10 on IMDb, which I think is rather high.
I think that's super high. If you want to speaking of high shit, Rotten Tomatoes.
The tomato meter is eighty four percent. What the fuck? All right. All right. The popcorn meter, also known as the audience score, is 79%.
I also read that those scores on Rotten Tomatoes tells us that this is the most critically well received Eli Roth horror film.
I mean, that doesn't really surprise me.
I know, but I'm like, I think there's at least one or two I maybe like a little bit better, but we'll get into that. Maybe he paid Rotten Tomatoes to like He paid them off.
We love you, Eli. Sorry. he just directed Borderlands with our queen Jamie Lee. I'm not sure what that is. I haven't seen it yet. Okay, I don't even know what it's about.
But he also directed Cabin Fever, which I actually like more than, This film.
Oh, 100%. I love Cabin Fever. He also did Green Inferno, which I really like. Have you seen that one yet? Yeah.
That, I did not like it. Sorry, sis.
That's okay.
And he acted as Sergeant Danny Donowitz in Inglourious Basterds and that's a fucking great role for him.
Okay. Yes.
And then for our top build cast, we have Patrick Dempsey, which I'm sure a lot of y'all know, and he is our Sheriff Eric Newlin.
he's in Grey's Anatomy duh, He's in Sweet Home, Alabama which I love comfort film and He's in scream 3 I think that's my favorite in the scream franchise He's just the best
he's isn't he dr.
McDreamy. I'm not a big dr. McDreamy and Grey's Anatomy. Yeah I'm not a big Grey's Anatomy person. I think I've only seen like an episode here or there, but I'm pretty sure that was like
Yeah, he's like pivotal in that show. People
love him, right?
Yeah. Okay, well, moving on.
Then we have Ty Olson, who plays Mitch Collins. Gina Gershon who plays Amanda Collins his wife And she, I love
this queen, she's in a bunch of shit, but I have to shout out Showgirls, which is randomly one of my favorite, like, a comfort movie.
I fucking love Showgirls. She
plays Crystal, wait, she plays Crystal Collins, and Amanda Collins in this movie.
Oh, that's funny, what a connection. What a connection. Oh, I like that. Yeah. Then we have Lynn Griffin, who plays Grandma, and hold on everyone, I gotta say this little fun fact here. Because we reviewed this movie last year for Christmas.
This queen played Claire Harrison in this 1974 black Christmas.
She's in like a lot of the film's artwork which is amazing.
her like suffocation with her in the rocking chair. that's literally so iconic for the film. Oh, We love you, grandma. We love you, Lynn. Then we have, Karen Klish, who plays Kathleen.
I, like, recognize her, but all I could recognize on her IMDb page is, I think she was in Saw V.
Oh. But I don't I don't know if
I've ever even seen Saw V. Nah,
I stopped after three, I think.
Then we have Nell Verlac, who plays Jessica Wright, and I loved her in this film.
I, I kept, whenever I saw her, I thought she was that chick from Scream, like, 5 or 6 or whatever.
yep. Um, But I was like, I kept thinking it was her, but I know nothing of her, , filmography other than, looks like she might be in another Thanksgiving ish movie coming up. Mm,
keep that in your back pocket. And then we have Rick Hoffman, who plays her father, Thomas Wright. And he was in Hostel, which was also
done by Eli Roth.
Little incestuous relationship. We love incestuous relationships in the film industry. Okay, I was gonna say. You didn't let me finish.
There's also like a handful of teenagers who, I think this might be like one of their first acting credits. So, good for them.
What I will say is Addison Rae is in it and I think that's really funny.
I hate that about it. No, I get into that later.
And then, uh, before I based you a little turkeys up a little bit more, um, I have a few fun facts that I wanted to dive into with you guys. So Ally. you're going to love this one. Eli Roth said that the cat in the movie was such a good actor and performed on cue that they called him Leonardo de Cat Prio.
The name of the cat is actually Tonic and he previously starred in Pet Cemetery in 2019.
I'm a little bit mad at myself that I didn't name One of my cats, Leonardo DiCat Cat Catprio, that's hard to say. Catprio is kind of hard to say. But I'm, because I'm, I used to be obsessed with Leo.
Still am, just on a different
level. And she is a cat mother. And I'm a cat mother. So, yeah. Another thing that I thought was really cool is that Eli Roth wanted all of the film's kills to not only be gory, but creative. Like he always does. Yeah. Yeah. .
They were really creative. They were,
yeah. And he pays a lot of homage to some creative kills of the golden slasher age, such as like Friday the 13th. Nightmare on Elm Street series, Happy Birthday to Me, and My Bloody Valentine, and we definitely see kind of influences of that within the film. Another one, which is arguably my favorite, this is apparently supposed to be the third movie based on one of the five mock trailers seen in Grindhouse from 2007.
So Eli Roth directed the Thanksgiving trailer to be shown between the film's Planet Terror and Death Proof, and when they were shown as a double feature and then also machete and hobo with a shotgun and this movie were later made into full length feature films. And as of 2023, only don't and werewolf women of the S S have not been made yet, but I'm sure that those are on their way.
I feel ashamed. I have not seen those movies, but I did see a panel about them at Comic Con and Rose McGowan walked literally right by me.
That is amazing. And I wish I was there with you. I know
she looked bomb. Yeah.
Another fun fact is that the killer's costume is inspired directly by iconic paintings of John Carver, who was one of the pilgrims on the Mayflower voyage and the mask that they wear in the film is a recreation of Carver's face.
The killer in the film is nicknamed the Carver because of this and kind of like the tie to Thanksgiving, which is kind of fun.
Before you've seen this film, did you know who this individual was?
I didn't, and I'm so sorry. I probably learned in 7th grade and just never retained that information.
7th grade?
Did we do like a Thanksgiving thing then? I don't know. I'm just
making an educated guess. Sure, sure, sure. You know, like, are you smarter than a 5th grader? I'm not. I'm definitely not either. They could probably do way better math than I can. finally, this film incorporates a multitude of 80s classic songs, which I love.
And this pays further homage to just, like, its central 80s slasher influences, which is super great. So we start this film, Thanksgiving night, in Plymouth, Massachusetts, where it's kind of a couple different settings. We have the right Mart Superstore, and then we have a couple of Homes for Thanksgiving night and Thanksgiving dinner But this film opens with Sheriff Eric and he's arriving at the Collins house for Thanksgiving
It's kind of an interesting opening scene because we see someone approaching a house all decorated and shit And it reminds me of those first person POVs, and it's kind of ominous, like, Kind of like Black Christmas.
You know all those classic horror films, and then all of a sudden, It's the knock on the door and it's like, oh, it's just Sheriff Eric and here I brought some pie and it looks like a really humble household and we see that hot Sheriff Eric is a single man and can bake pumpkin pie and I'm like, hell yeah, you can get it.
And it's like a cute, it's a cute little humble Thanksgiving.
I love hot sheriff Eric. That really rolls off the tongue. I'm a poet laureate. I love that. Well, and then shortly after this, , little Thanksgiving gathering, we get a separate shot of another Thanksgiving dinner at a different household.
And this is where we get introduced to Jessica and her family.
And it's very, it's a stark contrast from the first one we saw it's more stuffy. It's obviously like in some fucking mansion It's uptight, especially with jessica's future stepmom being a super bitch to her She's like wow a sweater on thanksgiving
And she's like kathleen.
I just like to be casual in my own home
Also, we're about to eat a shit ton of food. I want to be comfy. I just want to be comfy Honestly, I might wear sweatpants to thanksgiving this year as you should. Yeah, you should wear like a turkey costume
I should that's a great idea. Thank you then Jessica's family are kind of talking about how the store is open for the first time on Thanksgiving Day and Everyone thinks it's gonna be super successful.
And this is where we find out that Jessica's dad is the owner of Right Mart and This is where we get that contrast between the two families having Thanksgiving is we have the owners of Right Mart and then we have a more humble family where Sheriff Eric is and we're going to get into that in a second.
But back at the Collins house, we have Mitch, who is the dad and he's getting ready to go work at Right Mart
and I'm like, poor dude, like. This guy just wants to celebrate Thanksgiving, but the Right Mart owner, Thomas, is like, Bro, if you don't work tonight, you're gonna get fired. And I'm like, Since when did Black Friday leak into Thanksgiving Thursday? I'm like, why, why this Thanksgiving? Why this sperm? Get it? Oh. Do you get it? I do get it. Thank you. And I actually really feel bad for people who work on, I don't go anywhere basically on Thanksgiving except for my family's because I feel bad for people who have to fucking work on Thanksgiving.
Do you remember when I used to go to Nordstrom on Thanksgiving?
fuck that.
But I don't know it kind of was fun I mean I had a lot of really great co workers at the time but this does remind me sort of of like You still have to go and work.
if you sign up, you can't bail that morning or anything, you know, and you're up at like 6 a. m. So it's definitely. You should just sleep in
their bedding section.
I know,
I might as
well. after, we see that Mitch is getting ready to go over to right Mart to work We start to see a different setting and now we're at Right Mart and we see a large crowd gathering outside the store and they're eagerly awaiting for their Black Friday or Black Thursday, so to speak, to start. And things are getting really tense. These people are , not happy. They're aggressive.
in my head, I'm like, you guys probably just ate. Shouldn't you be a little tired? And shouldn't you just be like happy and full?
Bro, I feel like some people just fully skip Thanksgiving and start lining up. Like this crowd gives me so much anxiety, except for I do like the chick that says, you can suck my dick.
I was here first to like this larger man. And I'm like, this is, that's pretty funny. And she's my kind of gal. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Like I would probably, actually I would not say that. I'd probably be like, go, please go ahead in front of me. Please go
right ahead.
Yes. But no, I think there, if you're like a Black Friday or Black Thursdayer, you're dedicated.
Emma, have you, besides working at Nordstrom, have you ever done like, as a consumer, a Black Friday thing?
, yes. we always went black friday night.
I want to say I don't think we ever went on thanksgiving ever
No, i'm pretty sure that's not a thing, right?
well and the producer and I were saying to her like this doesn't happen anymore I don't think especially like as intense as this crowd is right here maybe it does in some places guys Let us know if that happens like in your town or your neighborhood but I don't really see people like lining up this crazy that kind of has come and gone especially with the age of just like amazon all of the online shopping Yeah, I don't know.
No, I I remember when I used to drive by and see people like literally lining up at like 5 p. m And i'm like dudes That's crazy. That's I mean that's dedication. But also maybe don't is it really worth it for that fucking 50 percent off TV or that waffle iron that you Not the waffle iron shit.
Maybe I don't know that. Honestly, I kind of what is a
It's just something that makes waffles. Sure. Sure.
And so we're at Right Mart and these people are fucking insane.
And the store itself, it looks to be like a Walmart type of place. And inside all the workers are prepping and like cleaning and organizing and all is calm for now.
But they are a little scared. Like I feel like the workers are looking at the window and they're like these fucking insane idiots. Yeah, like these guys are gonna fucking something crazy is gonna happen.
we see Jessica Essentially, she and her boyfriend Bobby have left their Thanksgiving dinner and they were planning on going to go like hang out with their friends and we see them make a beeline for the store because I think Bobby No,
Evan needs a new phone.
Oh, Evan
needs something. You're right. Yeah. Evan, the
douche bag needs a new phone and Jessica's like, no, this is my dad's store. We're not going in here. And he is like, it'll just take a fucking sec. Douche bag. Parks in a handicap parking space amidst all other, like, why would you do that? The worst. And while the group, the gang as I call them, the team, the gang.
Yes. The gang. Yeah. While they're all trying to go into the store. apparently Bobby's some sports prodigy and people keep trying to stop him. So that's his big claim to fame is like he's, some kind
of baseball
fame. Yeah. Baseball fame. Yeah. And then this dude named Ryan comes up to Jessica and he's like trying to see if she wants to hang out. She kind of blows him off and you can tell he definitely wants to fuck her.
Also in the midst of all this chaos. Addison Rae, the actual influencer who plays Gabby her friends are making fun of her for trying to become an influencer and I'm like, this is so meta.
This is so meta. Well and a couple of other people that we get introduced to in the gang is also Scuba and Yulia. And Scuba and Yulia, I believe, are both dating. They're dating. as a reminder, Jessica, , her dad owns this right mart. she's like, okay, guys, like, let's go in really, really quickly, like really just in and out.
And they go past the crowd to go into like a side door and the crowd is noticing and is pissed.
But also, , The gang, specifically Evan, is like suck my dick. We're going in before you guys. Yeah, he's
like such a douchebag about it. Such a douchebag. Yeah, and even inside he's taunting the people on the outside.
Yeah. He's like look at me I'm getting the newest iPhone like da da da and all the people outside are like what the fuck? Like why do they get to shop early?
Literally what the fuck? And then we also get to see um, I would like who does that by the way? Teenagers, you guys?
No, they literally be better than that.
Yeah. And then we see sheriff eric Hot sheriff eric and amanda come into the store. Amanda just wants to give Um her hubby mitch mitch. Yeah, like just like dinner Hey, here's some leftovers or leftovers. I wanted you to enjoy thanksgiving too and this gives me daggers I know it's really
really that's all she
wanted to do.
Yeah, it's so sad as The crowd outside can see all the fucking youths bouncing around inside this door. They get really angry
super super angry and This whole scene kind of turns into a deadly riot, they essentially storm the barricades that are there and rush up to the door and all the people inside are like Oh shit, we need to close these doors, it's just like a total mess.
It's a
clusterfuck and one of the security guards, one of the two security guards that they hired for this massive day, is, notices all this chaos and he's like, later I'm gonna bounce the fuck out. Bye. Bye. so somehow like the crowd breaks the glass. Shouldn't it be like double or triple paned?
I'm not sure how that works. Absolutely, but I think, It's a movie. Sure. Sure. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
But, but that also shows the force of the crowd. one of my greatest fears is being like trampled to death on accident where there's just so many people that people don't even notice you on the floor.
They don't even know what they're stepping on.
Dude, like a fucking concert.
Nope. a hundred percent
Yeah. Scary. R.
I. P. to any victims that have been a part of that. that's literally my worst nightmare.
That, no. I didn't even think about it like that. Yeah. But that's, no, that's scary.
And then, they've broken the glass, so everybody's rushing in, trampling over each other. The other poor security guard gets like, Yeeted. He gets,
like the door like smashes on top of him.
And Evan, our douche brag teen is like, holy shit, this is fucking crazy. And he's like on a, what is it called? A counter, like a checkout stand, checkout stand.
And he's like filming this instead of being scared. Like he should, he's like, this is fucking insane. Whoa. Yeet, yeet, skirt, skirt. Um, and Jessica's boyfriend, Bobby sees that one security guard who's like dying, he's still alive and he goes to try and save him. And somebody stomps on his little baseball arm, and R.
I. P. there goes his sports career. Literally
second. Yep. It's so scary. When all these shoppers are trampling one another, all of the shelves are collapsing, chaos is completely erupting, and one thing I did laugh at a tiny bit, just cause it's not serious, it's an Eli Roth film, but.
One of the guys, when the glass breaks and he's getting pushed through the door, a piece of glass sticking out actually like stabs him in the neck. But I kind of laughed because he still went and grabbed the waffle iron. he's like, I need to get my free waffle iron. My free waffle iron.
But then we see him laying on the floor, pretty much dying. Yeah. And some other Psychotic bitch. She's like, I'm going to just link these right from your hand.
Oh man, you can't have just let the man die with it. Like Jesus Christ. Well, and then Amanda, Mitch's wife, She's also getting caught up in this entire mess when she was only there to go and bring Mitch like some dinner. Some,
some dude literally pushes her. Yeah. And she, the leftovers get it. Thrown from her hands and spilled everywhere. She's so
scared. She's so scared Then she gets yeeted in the head with a shopping cart by someone being fucking negligent It's just so crazy and she ends up being killed in the chaos of all of this and Mitch is absolutely devastated.
Yeah, this one really bummed me out because literally all she wanted to do was support and feed her husband on fucking Thanksgiving. She can't even do that. She, and then, of course, in Eli Roth fashion, we see a part of her scalp being dragged along with this shopping cart that, you know, The
hitter. we are now a year later we are still in Plymouth, Massachusetts and we're leading up to Thanksgiving. So this is pretty much almost exactly a year later. as this scene opens, we see someone watching a YouTube video of the riot. And this is the film that Evan had shot when he was on the checkout stand the year prior.
And we can deduce that the person watching this video is the killer.
In pure Evan Douche fashion, it's like a video of him with like funny graphics saying, This is crazy! Look at this dead person! Blah blah blah! And then it's a mini, like, image of like R. I. P. to the victims. And then directly after that is like, like, subscribe, hit like, like, follow along.
so douchey. So douchey. Well, and in this place that we're seeing this YouTube video, we also kind of see a little bit of the setting of this area. And there's newspaper clippings on the walls and random, weapons laying around. And then we see that whoever this person is, presumably the killer, is watching the news and they're talking about how Right Mart is preparing for another Black Friday sale despite protests from Mitch, who lost his wife, , and some other townspeople that are very much against the store opening again on Thanksgiving.
Yeah, and obviously Mitch does not work there anymore, like, duh. Yeah. I would immediately quit and sue. Yeah. Um, But he's on the news, he's being like, Thomas Wright, you deserve to go to jail, you basically killed my wife. the, in the same news clip, there's a, like, a montage. Of Thomas and Kathleen Wright like trying to quote unquote give back to the community and act like good people And I'm like damn bro.
Was that ROI from last year really worth ignoring a tragedy tragedy? No,
seriously, like
so we're doing it again. But I mean, maybe it was a bitch and waffle iron,
right? It must have been
and After that, we see Sheriff Eric, Hot Sheriff Eric. Try saying that fast. Hot Sheriff Eric. Okay, you did it. After that news shit, we see hot sheriff Eric and his deputy are at a local diner.
This diner's a vibe, by the way. Yeah, totally. Kind of reminds me of like Riverdale. I'm not sure why.
And at this diner there all of the customers are being given the John Carver masks And I'm like, why the fuck would you give those out?
Those are terrifying a B. That doesn't sound like a good investment
And this sets us up, I feel like, for yet another instance of people wearing the same mask and so you can't figure out who the real killer is because there's a lot of these masks going around.
That seems to happen a lot in horror films.
It's a trope, I think. It is a trope. A little bit of a trope. The diner waitress, I was like, why does she look familiar? It's fucking the chick that said suck my dick at the beginning of the film while she was waiting to get into right. Mart, I guess her name is Lizzie
little Lizzie. Jessica and Gabby are walking around outside of the diner and it seems like.
some kind of Thanksgiving festival or it looks kind
of like a vibe. It
does look kind of like a vibe. It's just, I think the community may be preparing for like Thanksgiving festivities, whatever, like
capitAllyzing on That they live in Plymouth.
Yeah. And Jessica and Gabby are talking about how Jessica has to go and film a commercial with her dad.
They do it every year for right. Mart. And it's going to be at the famous historical John Carver house, I guess. and Jessica and Gabby talk about how Kathleen is going to be in this commercial and They talk about how she's really going to be dreading it.
And then they talk about how they keep getting tagged in videos of the riot from last year on social media, but they don't know who's doing it.
Also hot Sheriff Eric is around, and this scene made me reAllyze that Patrick Dempsey is kind of a, a short King. guess how tall he is.
I would say probably like 5'7
he's listed as 5'9 but that means he's actually like 5'8 Or 5'7 Or 5'7 honestly, because he's standing next to like the other girls and he's shorter than all of them. That is a short king. That is a short king.
Well, Jessica shows up to this commercial shoot and we see vandAllyzed. And the ax was stolen.
Her dad is pissed because he's like, I needed this ax for the commercial. And he seems to not even care at all that this like historical landmark has been destroyed. No,
he doesn't at all. And then the, someone has totally trashed this historical house, like furniture, walls, everything. There's fight Mart spray painted on the wall rather than right Mart.
We love a little pun. And. Sheriff Eric is like, I have to call this in, you know, and Thomas is like, yeah, my commercial's been ruined. And Sheriff is like, nah, because a historical landmark has been vandAllyzed. And Thomas is like, what, what? Oh, whatever. I guess that too. Bro just carries out his fucking commercial.
Yep. And Jessica actually expresses to her dad that she thinks him ignoring what happened last year is some bullshit. And I'm like, you go, you go girl. You tell him what's up. You tell him, you tell him. And, after all of this, with, at the festival, we see that random dude, Ryan, who was at the beginning of the film trying to talk to Jessica, in the crowd, and he's like, with his homie saying, Bro, Bobby ghosting Jessica was the best thing that ever happened to me.
She's invited me to be on the podcast. The family float parade, float parade? Parade float. And to go to her house for Thanksgiving, so apparently They're dating now. They're dating now. And I'm like, what the fuck? And why did Bobby ghost jessica? Okay.
Well, we find out a little later that I guess Jessica Bobby kind of ghosted everyone and no one's really heard from him at all since the last year And I think his like baseball career was pretty much over too
I mean, I would assume his arm literally got twisted around in like a 90 degree.
Yeah, it looked very scary Yeah,
and then later at the diner jessica is back there and she's with the gang and they all Received like a mysterious social media post that they're tagged in and it's a thanksgiving table we don't find out now, but technically, they're gonna see that their names are on the different parts of the Thanksgiving table.
So this is like the first instance of we're seeing some ominous stuff that's gonna be coming down the pike.
And even though they see this post that they're all tagged in, they're, they're like, hmm, okay, moving on. And we meet this little nerd dude, I guess his name is Jacob, and he's promoting McCarty Party tickets.
And how much they're going to cost and that everybody's going to be there. And they're kind of mean to him. And I think Evan's like, yo, where's my paper that you need to write for me, bro. I've been such a douche bag, man. I'm such a douche. And they're like, McCarty is making people pay this year.
And Jacob is like, yeah, he thinks he's Mark Cuban.
He's like, he's been walking, watching a lot of shark tank.
Don't we all honestly
smart. Yeah. I love that.
I mean, a little entrepreneur of himself. And they, they also see. Bobby like walking out of the diner. We don't see his face, but Bobby's walking out of the diner and He doesn't stop to talk to his old friends.
And I'm like, whew, that's painful
also, Maybe controversial but I feel like they all should have been a little bit more surprised that like that was their first time seeing Him in a year. I feel like they all just were like Oh, was that Bobby? I would have ran out there and been like, dude. Yes.
I mean, not even if it was my ex, if it was just one of my friends that I hadn't seen in a year, I'd be like, what the fuck Bobby? Where have you been? I support Jessica not running after because
she got the most fucked over by that. But that is true.
I just feel like I would have been like, are you okay?
At least scuba and Evan? Like they should. Yes. Yeah. Like at least the guy friends. I don't know. I felt like that was a little bit Nobody reacted the way that I was kind of expecting.
Yeah, like, go check on your bro bros. Yeah,
your bro bros.
And Jessica says Oh, by the way, Ryan's coming to the diner and Douche Evan is like, Ugh, he's so boring, I have nothing to talk with him about.
But when Ryan gets there, he's like, Hey dudes would you like to hit me up and join me on the 50 yard line for the upcoming Pats and Steelers game? They're like, Yeah! And I'm like, Bribery. We, we love to see bribery. He bought their love. He bought their love. There's nothing wrong with that.
And for a fleeting moment, Jess looks out the window and sees a brief glimpse of a person in a Carver mask, but like, again, like you said, Emma, like that, that's going to be common because they're, the diner just willy nilly handing them out.
Yep, we're gonna see a lot of them and I think it does kind of stop her in her tracks for like a second even though nothing has really happened with the Carver killer yet.
But she's sort of like, Oh, that's strange. There's just someone just sitting there like wearing the mask. This
reminds me of like Halloween where we just see Michael Myers just like out of a window sometimes. Yes,
100 percent Or like a
bunch of movies, I guess. Yeah. Yeah.
Even, even the later Halloween, like Halloween 2, you know, , where they're people are literally dressed up as him weirdly.
Yeah. Yeah. It's just kind of random. Yeah. It's just kind of random. Also, probably
not a good idea if you don't want to get shot by the cops. Back at the supposed killer's lair, okay, but his lair, his lair is giving like Silence of the Lambs and Jeepers Creepers. It's giving Etsy vibes, Etsy
workshop. No,
no, no.
That's what I'm saying. I'm going to add Etsy lairs. for killers. What do you
call them? Little cutie
patooties? Cutie patooties. Yeah, he's on that list now. I like what he's done with the place, but he's re watching that YouTube video that Evan made and he's now sharpening that supposed stolen axe from, uh, the John Carver house.
later when the diner is closing, we see that waitress Lizzie and she was the one, again, like Ally mentioned, who was present at the riot. And we see her get stalked and murdered by a masked figure dressed as John Carver. So this is officially our first kill for this movie that we know of that we know of.
Well, I mean, purposeful kill not from the riot, but, but what if he's done stuff
before? That's true. And we don't know. We actually don't know because that doesn't happen. But the homie my little cutie patootie, literally sticks her Lizzie's face in water and pushes it against a freezer door. And obviously she has to like try and pull it off.
Pulls off with some of her skin with it, obviously. So Emma, question for you. Would you rather have this happen or would you have, rather have your face pushed onto a stovetop?
Probably the freezer because I think there would be a, at some point potentially a numbing factor where I feel like the burn it's like immediately turns to pain.
Yeah. You know what I mean? What about you? I would rather probably do the same because I feel like the I feel like if you just had your face wet and just got it stuck to the freezer, you just pull it away, like, super quickly. Yeah. And maybe the damage, the damage is probably not Might be a little bit less.
Yeah, it's probably not, like, what they actually depicted in this movie either.
Yeah, I just, I've burnt myself recently, even just in a small way, I barely touched my neck with my curling iron, and literally immediate pain. So I just feel like, personally, like, the freezer makes kind of a little bit more sense.
No, for sure. Even though that sucks too. Yeah, that still sucks. We're not, we're not downplaying Lizzie's pain.
So Lizzie's pulled her fucking face off of the freezer. R. I. P. some flesh and she grabs her phone and she is like trying to call 911, but now there's blood all over her phone because she's bloody and she can't unlock it.
And this is part of my nightmares. But in my nightmare, I can't open my phone to take pictures.
Well, and the saddest part too, is like, because there's blood all over it, it's like, cannot recognize face. And she also got half her face torn off by the freezer. So it's like kind of funny, but also kind of sad.
They kind of have like a little bit of a cat and mouse and chases her outside. And then he gets into a vehicle and runs her into a dumpster. And this is a crazy scene because the way that he runs her into the dumpster and it's the dumpster lid that closes on her and cuts her body in half. Like there's no fucking way that that would be that sharp to do that.
But also it was, it was very fat. She got a fast death.
That's very true.
That's very true. She was sliced and diced kind of like our little friends in ghost ship on our last episode.
Um, and I, this is so bad. I thought it was kind of funny.
No, it totally was. It totally was. Well, and then I think it's the next morning. I'm going to say the next morning. We see our next scene is that the killer has taken her lower half of her body and Displayed her on the right Mart sign, which is like
crazy And it's funny to look at because the right Mart sign has like a star Incorporated like maybe on the eye and it's just her little legs dangling right there.
It's crazy. And I'm also like, how the fuck did the killer get it up there? Yeah. And do it without any anybody seeing.
These are all great questions. Thank you. Yeah. Great questions. At the sheriff's station, we see a sheriff, Eric and his deputy are reviewing the security footage or trying to, They see a killer on screen wearing the John Carver mask, which tons of people are wearing around this town. And I don't think it's actually the security footage they're looking at. I think it's that YouTube that Evan shot. Yeah. And they're trying to just like kind of go back through it and review
And back at the kids high school, the gang's all together. Jessica's pissed at her dad because he's like, Honey, I'm not gonna not. Do black Thanksgiving just because somebody died even though dude, it was on your fucking sign Yeah, literally and then in the parking lot. They run into this guy McCarty and This is the alleged McCarty of the McCarty party, and I didn't think he'd like come in to play so much But he does throughout the film but in this instance I think he's a slimeball older guy and he reminds me of Damone from the fast times at Ridgemont High I
And they he and Scuba have like a funny exchange. He's like, dude, you are trying to sell guns to kids in high school. And he's like, nah, nah, just alcohol. Mark Cuban would be proud. He does think he's on Shark Tank.
Jessica ends up going to the Sheriff station. the sheriff asks her to review some of the footage shots from that night of the riot and just to see if there's anything weird that she can point out.
Can she identify anyone or just provide like any information from that night that could possibly like help the investigation?
And Sheriff Newland's like, Jessica, I need your help. I can't do this without you. Keep that in mind. Yeah.
Hold that in your pocket. Meanwhile. Yeah. Meanwhile, in your Thanksgiving apron for later.
Oh, I love aprons. Meanwhile, the other kids are outside asking another cop to look at the Insta post to try and get some help and be like, who the fuck did this? And the cop says, Hey, why did they call you scuba? And he's like, Oh, cause my last name's diving. And the cop's like, what's your first name? He says, it's Claude.
And the cop's like, yeah, you're right. Scuba is better. outside the station, Jessica sees Bobby again, and she's like, Hey, what the fuck and they they walk together for a little bit and he apologizes for leaving it's kind of crazy because he tells her outright that he blamed her for what happened to him, which I do appreciate him being honest about it.
because he did apologize, he's like, Hey, I'm sorry, but I did feel this certain way. And this is kind of why I did what I did.
Healthy communication a year later. Yeah.
Jessica tells Bobby that She has kind of a secret and the police, the sheriff has been asking if she can kind of help with this investigation, but she knows that Kathleen, her father's fiance, deleted the security footage of the night of the riot a year prior in order to save the store from bad publicity.
And she doesn't know what to do.
Fucking Kathleen. She just wants to keep the store open and get all the money because she has a fucking bottom line, this little bitch. She definitely wants a house in Boca where she and Thomas can go and fuck on and rendezvous
she's like I'm pretty sure there's a backup for the footage and I really want to get it and give it to the sheriff Which I love
but I'm like bitch.
Why have you not done this already? It's been a year or just tell the sheriff
say hey, here's what I know Now you guys go get a warrant and like go get it it's not her responsibility to have to go get it But anyways, that's neither here nor there
totally so while they're They're together They're about to say goodbye and ryan actually walks up and kisses.
Jess And he's like, Hey, yeah, we're together. And I'm like, snooze, you lose Bobby.
I know he's like rubbing it in Bobby's face. I actually think little Ryan is kind of a cutie patootie.
you? Yeah. I don't know why. There's something about him. I think he's a creepy McCreepy. I think he's kind of charming.
Weird. Yeah. I don't know. Okay. after this happens, now we have a change of setting and we are in the apartment of one of the security guards from the riot a year previously. And if you remember, we talked about one of the security guards running off. This is him. This is Manny. and he is packing up to leave the country, which is kind of funny.
And as he's doing that, he sees a Carver mask on the couch and is like, oh shit. And I guess this is kind of the Carver's calling card because we see another mask. At the diner before Lizzie gets killed. I
didn't even put that together.
You're right. They're like laying around. Yeah. Oh my god. That's a good connection. I didn't even put that together.
well, R. I. P. to Manny. To Manny.
So, Manny gets killed by an electric carver. He gets it right into the belly and then gets decapitated by the killer.
I want to know, okay, so what did he use to decapitate him with?
Was it like a piano wire thing? Yes,
okay, I couldn't figure out exactly what it was either, but I think it was some sort of just sharp, wire or something. because the carver kind of knew what he was doing and sort of like used his own body and momentum to pull the wire through his neck. I also wonder if this is maybe one of the tools that we saw at the very beginning of the film when we're in the killer's lair and they show like a couple shots of things that he uses.
Like I remember seeing, sorry this is a jumping a little bit of a head, but we see like a meat, cleaver or whatever on the table in the very beginning of the film and he's gonna use that later So I wonder if we just didn't see that specific tool there.
Well, so he's decapitated He puts his head in he puts Manny's head in a duffel bag, which seems like there's gonna be lots of leakage there But like whatever but go for it.
I guess our electric carvers
a thing. Are they legal? They are a thing and you know what else that reminds me of? I don't know. This is for you, Kenneth. Possession. Was there one on Possession? Yes.
Oh, okay.
one other thing I do love about this scene is that Manny has a cat. And we see the cat just sitting there.
Basically watch all of this go down. And as cats are, the cat didn't give two fucks and is just sitting there. you, as the person watching, I feel like I was like, he better not fucking do anything to that cat. And I love this because the killer makes sure that the cat is fed and then gives them a little scratchy scratchy on the head before he leaves.
I'm like, okay, so he does have a heart and I'm like, I'm like daggers for the cat. Cause who's going to feed him now. Knowing mine. They would just eat my body.
Oh my gosh. That kind of reminds me of Batman. We always go back to Batman. There's, there could be many connections made to Batman at all times.
then the gang is tagged in another photo and this time it is Manny's head on one of the serving plates. And we see Lizzie's top half of her body sitting at the table. Holy fuck, that is terrifying if I was being tagged in these photos. And we know
these people are like actually dead. But what I will say, it's a very festive.
And Creative Tablescape, I think he's done a really nice Martha Stewart job of creating a Thanksgiving vibe with the table.
I fully agree. Thank you. Honestly, I don't think I could do better. Jessica now has finally uncovered this riot footage that her stepmother Kathleen tried to destroy.
she brings it to Sheriff Eric for investigation.
I mean, again, why have we not done this already, but whatever. Yeah.
In the footage, one thing that she notices, which is sort of red flaggy to her, is she sees Ryan kind of talking to one of the security guards. And I think it gives her a little bit of like a yellow flag, maybe not red just yet, but she's like, what the hell?
Like what's going on here?
And While, while they were viewing this footage and like talking about who they recognize, she's with Bobby. Why the fuck is Bobby helping her?
He's just, he's just signed on and is enjoying the ride. He's trying to shoot
shot to get back in that P and that V. Oh, most likely.
Shit. Back at school, the gang start to have kind of a powwow of who could possibly be doing these murders. And they're trying to maybe figure it out for themselves if they can. she tells her friends, Jessica, she tells them like, Hey, I saw Ryan on, , some of the security footage.
And they're all kind of like, why would he be there? Like, why would he even know one of the security guards? Just kind of weird.
All I'm saying is I'm friends with my gas station people. So what's wrong with being friends with a security guard at a Right Mart?
I actually agree. I didn't think this was too red flaggy.
he could have even just said hi to the dude. And then the guy just thought they were like besties. We don't know. We don't know the background.
we see Ryan is at the staging area for the parade and he's conveniently dressed up as a pilgrim and he and Bobby have words like, you know, they're kind of, it's beyond the murders.
They're kind of beefing about Jessica. Yeah. But Emma, who would you pick as like a lover? Yes.
Uh, Ryan, who
would you pick? I don't, I'm not fond of either of them, but Ryan's taller, but I like Bobby more.
Okay. I don't know. I think Ryan's got me in a weird way.
I don't know. Interesting. And then at Hanover High, which we didn't say this at the top of the film, but In the riot a year earlier, there were two people that were at the front of the barricade trying to get into the store, and they were two students from Hanover High, which is the rival school to where the gang goes.
the Hanover High students, Lonnie and Amy, they hate Evan and the rest of the gang. and we see.
Lonnie and he's working out. He's, I think the captain of the football team. He's got some kind of like important role and he's in the weight room with the rest of his players. And then Amy, who is a cheerleader, she kind of tells him like, Hey, can you sneak away for a second? She's like
seducing him, seducing
She's in her little cheerleading outfit. , he's in his, , workout outfit, whatever. And she takes him into the gymnasium. It's kind of random. It's pitch black. And she's like, okay, sit right here. And then she turns on like a spotlight and there's a trampoline.
Also, that's convenient. Very convenient. How the hell did you get that in there? I guess maybe if they were practicing stunts or something, but she gets on the trampoline and starts jumping and doing this little like strip tease. And as this is happening, , Lonnie is watching from the dark shadows, but can still see her. And we see him get his neck broken, basically twisted by the killer. And then Amy gets stabbed on the trampoline.
I want to know how the killer is so strong to just with his bare hands, just fully twist a neck directly around is literally broken. the opposite way that it should be.
I had the exact same questions. This
also proves my theory that young horny people die at the beginning of these movies.
That's so true. So true.
One thing I do want to say about this kill in particular on the trampoline is I love this kill. It wasn't a kill. Or I'm sorry, This attempted kill, because I love that like the knife goes through the bottom of the trampoline. It kind of nicks like the backside of her foot, like where her Achilles is.
And she's like, Oh, what the fuck? But , you're on a trampoline. You have the momentum of like jumping. It's not that easy to just get off immediately and she falls. he ends up stabbing her in multiple places, like from underneath the trampoline. And I just love this scene. I think it's like very creative.
And , we do think that she's dead at this scene. We don't find out until later that she was kind of alive, but I just like love how this all went down.
No, no, no, no. This one was also my favorite because it freaks me the fuck out, which is a good thing. what it's meant to do.
There you go.
I've also stepped on a lot of nails in my day,
so that, that triggered me. Yeah, it's like kind of similar fashion, right? Yeah. So it's a little scary. But we find out that because of these quote unquote murders of Lonnie and Amy, the football game that the gang was going to have with this Hanover High school gets canceled.
And Evan is fucking pissed.
And I think it's funny. He's like, what the fuck? You can't just cancel a game because some dumb murder. I'm like, Evan, bro. Yes, you can. I'm like, you're
being so fucking selfish right
now. Why aren't more
things canceled, including the parade? Jessica waits for Evan and Gabby outside of school so that they can all go home together.
And we see Evan and Gabby kind of go back into the locker room area together. It seems like Gabby's kind of consoling him a little bit from being a little baby back bitch.
Yeah. And I'm like, Okay, you just left Jessica. Sheriff Eric literally just told all of you
to stay together. Yeah, you guys are all idiots, but whatever.
They must have just thought they were safe there, which you're not. we see that when Gabby and Evan are together and they're coming back out to meet Jessica, the killer attacks them, but we don't see him necessarily, like, hurt them. It He's, like, Putting them to sleep with some chloroform.
Yeah, it's
very vague. Like, we don't know what Like, like the other kills, we don't We didn't see any of that. We just Yeah. It's vague.
And then the killer got a hold of Gabby's phone and Jessica texts it and is like, Hey, are you guys like almost done? I'm like waiting out here. Whatever. And he's like, can you come here?
But she thinks it's Gabby, right? So he lures Jessica into another empty part of the school and attacks her Jessica barely escapes the killer by hiding in a cosmetology classroom and kind of blending in.
Yeah, they have like those weird practice heads. I'm not sure how the killer, for how, for being how smart he is in other areas of the film, I'm not sure how he didn't actually reAllyze that that was a real human head.
Yeah. No, totally. And I'm also like, are there cosmetology classes in high schools? And if so, this would have saved Frenchie from being a high school dropout and Beauty school dropout, go back to high school. She would have been. We love Greece. We love Greece.
I also read a fun fact that this cosmetology room was not. A part of like the script or anything or part of the setting that they were outlining. It just happened to be something that they saw in the areas that they were like filming that they were like, we got to use this cosmetology room.
So they do exist. They do exist. They do. Well, anyways, so Jessica runs out and she's with the cops and both Bobby and Ryan are And, uh, they arrive to see if she's okay, like, okay, news travels fast, whatever. And they start beefing again, and Sheriff is like, okay, you two are both banned from the parade. And I'm like, okay, what exactly is that going to solve?
Jessica's like, you two fucks, all you can do is fight, and meanwhile two of my friends are dead. And again, nothing. We didn't see a kill. And as far as Gabby goes, what's she going to do without her phone? Influencers can't be influencers without their phone. It's very true. So her days are numbered.
Her days are numbered as an influencer. You're losing likes every single second. Yeah.
Yulia and Scuba are also outside, with Jessica. Don't know where they were during this whole. Shabang. But Yulia's dad abruptly, up in his Mercedes, bends his, like, G Wagon to the front of the school I'm taking you, we're going to Florida, we're escaping, like, what's going on in town. And it's, it's so funny because he has this really thick, Russian accent. He seems like a mob boss.
No, up front, I'd be like, okay, I trust this guy. I'd go with him to protect me from a killer.
Yeah. I'm like, he's probably the safest guy. At least. So you think?
I would not fight that, but I could be proved wrong.
Then later, Jessica and Scuba Team up in a weird way. Because they know Yulia is kind of with her dad. She can't really do anything right now. They're prepping to go to Florida, whatever, but Scuba and Jessica are like, we got to do something this is bullshit.
We need to protect ourselves. We obviously know that he's attacking everybody in our friend group. they go to the McCarty party and Jessica and Scuba are there and they want to buy a gun from McCarty or get a gun of some sort so that they can protect themselves.
I love that McCarty is like a bouncer outside of his own house in his own party with a velvet rope and everything and this party actually sort of seems like a vibe.
Parties in movies always look so much better than they are in real life. No, for
sure. Like. Where do we, where do we find this? I don't know. We're also in our 30s So we kind of just like to drink at home and watch TV and I want to be in bed by 8 Yeah, exactly. And I love how his little minion Jacob is dressed literally exactly like him Where do I get a minion to dress like me?
I know where do we get that? Genuinely asking, please. during during this
whole interaction of them trying procure like a gun or weapons. This kind of made me think that McCarty is actually a straight homie. totally,
because he gives them each a weapon and he's like, can you guys please be careful because I want you guys to be able to return those back to me.
Yeah, I'm like, Oh, you have a soul. Yeah. Sweet. He wants to protect his like, weird by proxy friends.
Sure. How, if you had to guess how old do you think he is? He looks
so old. they could have cast someone who looked like they were maybe one or two years into college.
Like, you know, kind of fresh out of high school. This man looks like he is 35,
35, 35. I thought it was like 40. Oh, is
that generous.
That was generous. Okay. But maybe he's like
a lot
of drugs. Yeah. I don't know. Some things can age people. We just don't know. Stress. Yeah. So then at Yulia's house, the carver is there, of course, and he shoots Yulia's father and a deputy that was helping guard their house, and he shoots them with darts, which is kind of interesting.
Would this, would this kill them? This is one of the unanswered questions we have because, you know, People get shot with darts a little later in the film and all it does is just shrink them and then they're able to like wake up where we don't understand what's happening with Yulia's father and with the deputy and whether they make it out alive.
We have no idea. And we never get a result. We never ever get the answer. And
there, as far as I, we're concerned, they're innocent bystanders and the, the Carvers, Attacking people who were involved with the the massacre a year before so correct
Yeah, it's kind of outside of you know, what what his rules should be.
Oh The rules kind of like Dexter Dexter
But so as far as my heart is concerned, they are alive and well
They're doing good. No, they're not
doing good. They're doing they're doing alive
They're surviving. Yes. Not
Exactly. Yep. Yep. Jessica and Scuba are video calling Yulia, lots of shit is going down during these video calls.
During this video call and leading up to Yulia leaving, she's doing so many things that make me so anxious, like putting in contacts. I don't wear contacts, but watching people do it makes me want to vomit. Same. I
wear glasses because I cannot fuck with a contact.
And she's cleaning her ears with a q tip.
And I know that's Eli Roth, like, setting us up to feel uncomfortable, which it worked.
One thing the producer pointed out when we were watching this is that, in this film, too, there's all these, like, really tight shots of things. And one of the tight shots is her cleaning her ears with a Q tip. And you're like, why the fuck do we need to have this close up shot?
But then it makes sense two seconds later.
Oh my god. Yes. And then um, they're all facetiming the killer comes up behind her and stabs her in the ears with corn holders And this kind of brings tears to my eyes because I fucking love corn on the cob.
I love corn I love corn. Are you going to think of Yulia now when you have corn?
Don't say that. Stop. In the little corn holders?
Stop it right now.
that would hurt so fucking bad I don't know why that almost scares me more than just getting fucking chopped and screwed
No, I know and she it doesn't kill
her it disorients her obviously Yeah, she's like what the fuck she kind of stumbles down the hallway like can't really hear Obviously, for obvious reasons and yeah, it's very scary and Jess and Scuba are freaking the fuck out because they're like, okay, Yulia's in trouble and so they race to her house.
But the Carver, when they get there, he has her in his possession and he is showing them that he also has Gabby and Evan at his Thanksgiving table. He has his phone and he's showing them and it's just all kinds of fucked up.
Just a technical question. How is he live streaming if he's not there?
He's like live streaming or he's not live streaming He's like real time facetiming his kitchen table or whatever.
He might just have multiple devices I mean if we think about who he is as the killer later, you might have access to a lot of devices. Sure. Sure. Sure. Yes So as this, , is all panning out, Yulia, unfortunately gets disemboweled with a table saw right in front of Jessica and Scuba and the carver manages to escape.
And if you're asking yourself, if you haven't seen this yet, why the fuck is there a table saw around? It is because Yulia's father was remodeling their house. And so, unfortunate accident. Not accident, purposeful. But, unfortunate.
Devil's advocate. I don't know if it was I think that this, I don't think that was his intention to do it.
If you watch the scene, I think it just was like, whoops, like, they were all in a tuffle, and she just like fell and went onto the table saw. you're right. That's true. I don't know if he really wanted to kill you, Leah. I think it just kind of fucking happened.
Yeah, maybe he wanted them all at the table, kind of in the end.
Yeah. But like still alive, but like to torture them.
Exactly. And that's a good point. I also love how after this happened, Scoob was holding his disemboweled girlfriend's body and he's like, uh, Jess, what do I do?
That really broke my heart if I'm being completely honest. I've obviously never been in a situation like that and I hope I never have to be in one where you're just in like such high stress that you're Kind of disassociating a little bit and you're like, hi, someone help me. what do I do? You know, you need to ask for help. You know, you need to like do something, but you're so fucked up by the situation.
And you know what I mean? And you just don't really know how to process it. And you're kind of like, it's like those 911 calls because I'm on 9 1 1 TikTok. You just don't sound concerned. And it's just like, you're kind of just stating the facts. Yeah. You're
like, that's kind of all I can fucking say right now.
Like I'm disassociating.
Exactly. Scary. And after this whole kerfuffle, we're back at Jessica's house and Kathleen, her soon to be stepmom, low key blames Jessica for all of this. She's like, this is your fault because you guys went into this fucking store and were taunting people. And she's like, you blame me, bitch?
You're the one who wanted to open this store on Thanksgiving to make a little dough, you gold digging whore. You just want that house in Boca Raton. I don't know why I keep talking about Boca Raton. Did she say that in the film? No. She just seems like somebody who wants to save up for the vacation house in Boca Raton.
And Jessica's dad Thomas announces that They won't be opening the store on Thanksgiving and Kathleen's pissed,
but finally bro like
I'm like a hell you probably shouldn't do Black Friday either and wow it only took five murders and two kidnappings and all of your Daughter's friends and your daughter being bullied on social media for you to decide this look in a mirror
let's be self reflective, please. Well, and then Jessica, her fam, and the sheriff devise a plan to try to catch the carver using Jessica and her family and Scuba as bait during the parade. So they're trying to act like things are normal, they're going to attend the parade like it's planned to be and kind of go from there.
Okay, that sounds like a horrible idea, but as they're boarding the float for the parade, McCarty brings her his dad's ring from Iraq to wear as good luck, just in case. And I'm like, oh, this, this bro is really growing on me.
Well, and at the time you're kind of like, this is a little bit random. Like why is he just giving her a random ring?
And I think he says something like, , this is my dad's ring he wore in Iraq and it always kept him safe.
Yeah, like saved his life or something. they all go out in this parade. And why would the fuck would anybody in this town be like, yeah, lots of killings, but let's do this parade and be jolly as fuck.
And everyone just, , carry on with all of their activities. Like while all the shit's going down, like
is everybody oblivious? People
be crazy.
And do you know, do you want to know something?
I'm scared.
Do you know what is kind of like a parade? What? A train.
Oh God.
And what better way to celebrate the holidays?
Then like a train such as the Polar Express. I
don't know if there's that much of a connection between a train and a parade, but it's like a train. But you know, I'll give that to you because I'm feeling in the holiday spirit. There we go. That's my present. Thank you. Well, and in this parade disguised as a random scary clown, which like hello that didn't like fucking Put warnings off on anybody's head.
Yeah. Why is there a clown in the Thanksgiving parade? It's weird, but the carver infiltrates this parade and he's like part of it in this scary clown costume. And he decapitates in front of everybody, the Turkey mascot in a super shocking public attack, and then uses smoke bombs to cause panic.
And this scatters the crowd. My immediate thought was.
Poor turkey mascot. What the fuck did he do? What did he do? He probably wasn't even at fucking Right Mart a year before. No, I know, and like, something about a mascot, I don't know. And as well as the poor turkey man, the driver on the Right Mart float gets fucking yeeted by part of the float that goes in through the back windshield as they're driving down.
And I'm like, this is very final destination. And Homie's daughters were sitting right next to him while this happened. And I'm like, wow, that's Trauma for life. I think they were his granddaughters.
They were like, Grandpa! Grandpa! And I'm like, oh my god, that's so fucking sad. That's like worse.
I know. It's even worse. It's even worse. amid all of this chaos, too, the Carver takes Jessica, her family, and Scuba and shoots them all with tranks because they were in the back of the float trying to escape. And he's able to kind of get them all at one time. all together.
Homie's efficient.
Very efficient. We could say anything about him. He knows what he's doing. He truly does. Good for him. After being abducted, we find that presumably all of them have been taken to the carver's, like, hideout, his lair, what have you. And the first person that we see kind of come to after this whole tranquilizer situation is Kathleen.
And she wakes up and finds herself on a table. And the carver is prepping her and glazing her. The glazing
is like so gross to me, but you gotta do what you gotta do to prep meat?
Yeah, it's very clear that he's like prepping her like you would prep a Thanksgiving turkey. Like, I think he even has vegetables like around her.
No, kudos to him because he like, really did The prep work.
first thought that came to my head was okay, so is he cannibal now? I'm so confused by this man, but , we're gonna, we're gonna find out some more in a little bit. He's also,
prepping this industrial size oven.
I think he's like in the basement. Who's a fucking industrial sized oven in a basement?
you know, , maybe it's just one of those like very large pizza ovens and maybe they, , took out a part of it to make it fit a human
Who has a very large pizza oven in their basement?
I don't know. It's a good question. But I do love all the garnishes. Like he starts putting like little garnishes like between her toes and like on her forehead and
stuff. He's very festive and into the spirit of Thanksgiving. Yeah.
And it's important to note here too that she is like awake as this is happening, but she's still pretending when he is looking that she's asleep or that she's still tranqued.
So she's kind of, I think, trying to find an opportunity to escape and she does manage to escape momentarily.
And she, she manages to actually get outside of this basement shit, go to the actual kitchen and see what a gross ass house his little lair is. just trash and shit everywhere.
She opens the fridge, I don't remember why, but she finds the cheerleader in there, and she's fucking alive.
Yeah, at first the cheerleader seems like she's dead and then she goes to investigate a little further and , there's a classic jump scare
I saw that coming. Yeah,
cheerleader kind of making a gasp and Yeah, wouldn't that
kill you though?
If you were like, I ask this every time, wouldn't that kill you if you were in like a fridge?
I think it would be a slow, slow, slow death, but it would probably take days for it to like, kill you. Like, you might eventually get hypothermia or something, but that might just take some time to kill you.
We should ask Mythbusters.
Oh, I'll just send them a quick email.
Perfect. Great. Let's ask them. the Carver eventually finds Kathleen after they also have kind of a little bit of a, A cat and mouse chase and the carver has a fucking pitchfork, and as she's trying to run out the door, he fucking flings it.
And pitchforks are right in the back.
Can I say something? Yes. The carver's kind of like leprechaun because he's just got everything he needs. He has
everything. I have so many questions about him and his origins. Yeah. I'm so confused. then the next thing that we see is that Kathleen has been placed into the oven and she is now being roasted alive and she's like, what the fuck?
help. She's screaming. It's so terrifying to me. it kind of reminds me a little bit of Final Destination when the girls are in the tanning beds. Yes. Right? I can't even hear, Rollercoaster of love. Without thinking of that song. No, same. And it's so scary because he does open up the oven door for a sec to like, oh, he, I think he's putting the, uh.
Meat thermometer? Yes, the meat thermometer in her. And she's like, please, please, like, you don't have to do this, like, blah, blah, blah. And I just can't imagine how fucking terrifying that would be.
This, I could, this scene I could barely watch because. It makes, this is one of my worst fears and I was watching this with my parents and I had to look away and I like never look away.
At anything. And that just tells you how much, like, I, this, I can't, this reminds me of Hansel and Gretel which is also fucked up that that's a child's story, but anyways.
But, okay, so if you had to choose to, be burned in an industrial oven or, like, drown?
I feel like, God, we have a lot of, like, really shitty either ors today. Sorry.
No, it's okay. I'm bringing out my darkness.
I want to say that I feel like drowning would be faster, potentially? I don't, I don't know. I could be totally wrong.
No? I think if I, like, I think that this oven situation is, so scary that I would, and I'm also scared of water, but I'd almost rather drown. I also think so too. I. And then my body could be in the water and turn into soap. And you can collect my body and use it as soap.
I have some questions about that.
Okay. We'll get into that later. All right. the sheriff squad, we're back with them. They think that they may have found where the carver is live streaming from because Again, we have this like live stream of their little Thanksgiving table and they try to triangulate his location, do all of this stuff to try to find him.
They're like, Oh, we think he's like right here. And as the viewer for a hot second, you're like, okay, maybe they kind of somehow did find him because they do kind of pull up to like an industrial type location. Looking area that looks like a lot of like warehousy type of places, but we find out that it is just a recording of a screen.
So the carver was one step ahead of. The sheriffs and everyone finding him.
We love a creative killer who thinks ahead and is resourceful. We do. We do.
And then with the Carver, where he actually is, we see that he arranges his hostages and the corpses around the Thanksgiving table in this like very grotesque display, and he has Kathleen's body.
Like a human turkey in the center of the table.
He legit like sets her up like a turkey and I'm like, you should do parties, bro. I want to see your Pinterest board for this. Let's chat. It's almost like human
sushi, , when there's like a naked body and you put sushi on them.
Kind of a sexy date idea.
A little turkey. Okay.
Okay. And the, everybody around the table, obviously he starts to fucking freak out. And the killer says with, he's got a little voice box to disguise his voice, kind of like scream and he's like. Now is this how you thank Kathleen? She's been cooking all day. And I'm like, bro, he's got some We love a good pun.
We love a good joke. Like he then he's like, Now it's time for cheers from the cheerleader. And he fucking uncorks the neck of the cheerleader and pours it into a wine cup and blood spills out. And I'm like, get it? Cause I He's like, this is fresh from my wine fridge, and it's because she was in her fridge.
Well, then what does he say? He's like, you might want to let that breathe. Yes. I'm like, the humor. It just keeps coming. I know. I love it. It's the gift that keeps on giving.
In my heart, yes. The Carver starts to live stream and he says, We're now going to go all around the table and say what we're thankful for.
And he's like, Evan, let's start with you, because your video is the one that inspired me to make my own.
Spooky. Well, and in this live streamed execution, the Carver bludgeons Evan to death with a meat tenderizer, right on camera in front of everybody. And we see a small glimpse of the people on this live stream.
stream and they're all commenting like, what the fuck is this? Is this real? Like, people kind of don't know how to take it because there's like no way that this could be real.
But it is. Spoiler alert. the Carver's still coming out with the jokes and being very funny, which I love. And Jessica actually, while he's busy with his jokes, Jessica actually uses something that was given to her to help free herself.
She uses McCarty's father's ring, when she presses it in a certain way, it has a little kind of like knife and she's able to cut herself free and then hand the knife over to scuba and they are both able to free themselves. And then Scuba goes straight for the carver to attack him.
Jessica manages to escape and runs into the woods.
okay. Are we just not going to worry about Gabby and Thomas, but whatever. Nope. And this, this forest that Jessica goes into is giving me very much so Texas Chainsaw Massacre vibes. Oh, yeah. A little bit. Yeah, totally. Jessica makes it out of the woods, somehow, and she finds Sheriff Eric's body unconscious outside of his cop car, outside of a warehouse that had the parade shit in it, in it earlier.
And she's like, kind of poking and prodding and. Then she goes into the warehouse and I'm like, are we not going to find help for Sheriff Eric? Nope, not gonna find he's for sure got blood on his face, but like,
okay, well and she Sees inside the warehouse She sees bobby And I think in her head she's like, oh my god is bobby the killer and then Sheriff Eric comes to he goes into the warehouse has his gun and they, , it's presumed that him and Bobby have like a little bit of a tussle and then he comes out of the warehouse saying that he thinks that he shot him and that they should leave.
I want to know how all of a sudden he's super unconscious and then he's conscious enough to be like, Hey, I'm gonna be a hero. Well. We're going to find out shortly.
back at the sheriff's station, they say that they matched Bobby's phone with the killing locations and two of the other cops leave.
And Sheriff Eric is like, yeah, we'll, we'll meet up with you guys. Like I don't know, it's just kind of like a weird, like he's trying to get everybody kind of out of the
situation. Because allegedly, well, apparently they have saved. Thomas and Gabby and Scuba's okay. So they, they want to go to the hospital and be like with them.
And at this point, I still wouldn't be certain and I would not be want to left alone with anybody right now. Sheriff Eric kind of goes to do something and Jessica noticed some brambles.
I think those are what they're called. They're like little weed.
Like, thorn things on her clothes from running through the forest.
And then she also notices it on Sheriff Eric's clothing and she starts to fucking put some goddamn shit together, finally. And she says, Oh, ah, I don't feel so well. And Sheriff Eric is like, okay, let's get you to the hospital. And then as he's walking out of the door, we can tell, he can tell that she knows.
And he's like, okay, I, so I have a little secret. I drugged Bobby and dressed him up and then Bobby popped out of the car and banged my head, which is why I was in the street when you found me and I want to know how Sheriff Eric moves around that fast and how efficiently, like, how has he, He's everywhere, all at once, all the time.
He's crazy. Well, duh. Well, and then he also confesses that Amanda, if you remember, who was killed in the very, very beginning in the riot, was his lover and was pregnant with his child when she died during the riot. he kind of reveals that this is the motive for his revenge against all that he blames for her death.
And so he's reveAllyng himself 100 percent to be the Carver killer.
And I was like, Oh, I, I thought Amanda and Sheriff Eric looked kind of cozy at the beginning. Totally. Giving off flirty ass vibes. So this makes sense. And then he puts his gloves on and it looks like he's just preparing to like finish up some business and kill.
Jessica. And Jessica's like, wait, wait, wait. I didn't get to tell you what I'm thankful for. I'm thankful for the service in here. And she, she is secretly live streaming his confession, exposing him.
Yeah. That to me was pretty like, okay, cool. You got him. I would not be able to think that. I don't know if I would either.
My thing would be like, that still doesn't really save you from the current moment. I guess it saves people at large, or like, at least from knowing who he is. Like, people now can know, like, this is his true identity. that doesn't really save you.
Yeah, but even if she perished, someone would know.
That's true. I
mean, we wouldn't want her to perish, but like, you get
it. No, totally. the sheriff, or the carver, as we maybe should call him now, he attacks Jessica, obviously. But Bobby comes in and intervenes, saving her life. And the two attempt to escape in his truck, but Sheriff Eric disables it by hooking it to a support beam.
He's able to kind of quickly, again, this man just. So fast, he's able to kind of quickly like wrap a wire or like a toe line around a beam so that they really can't go anywhere. And then as Eric is trying to approach them with an ax so that he can kind of finish them off Jessica uses a musket to shoot a parade balloon that she had started to inflate.
Again, thinking ahead, she's thinking on her toes and this triggers an explosion that engulfs Eric in flames.
And after all that shit talking she did about muskets. If you didn't catch that she does a lot of shit talking about them.
Yeah, when she buys her gun from, or gets the gun from McCarty earlier in the film she talks about like the only thing that she's ever used was a musket and she hated every second of it, but then that's kind of what helps her save the day, so.
Well that's why she didn't want a gun. Yep. Only Scuba got a gun because she's like. That's true. Yeah. She's like, I don't like guns. She's like, I'm good. But good for her for knowing how to load it up still. And also, why are there working muskets at like a parade staging area?
Good question.
Good question.
I think it's mandatory if you live in Plymouth.
Yeah, maybe. , after this explosion, Bobby is taken to the hospital and Jessica is able to reunite with Ryan, Gabby, Scuba, and the authorities say that they are unable to locate Sheriff Eric's remains, and this kind of tells us it's kind of leaving the door open a little bit, but we also are kind of assuming as the audience that he was likely incinerated in the explosion.
That's not how horror movies work.
Very true. Very true. Then as Jessica is a little more settled, we see a scene of her at the very end. It's the final scene of her laying in bed with Ryan.
I would have thought maybe She'd be back with Bobby.
Yeah. No, she's kind of like, hey Bobby, that was cool. But like, bye.
I'm still with Ryan, I guess.
she experiences like a nightmare of a flaming Sheriff Eric attacking her from inside her closet and this really, like, Does kind of leave the door open for his like potential return. Cause she's having these like nightmares and PTSD about the whole experience too, as well.
And I'm like, okay, so there's obviously going to be sequel. And now we have to watch that one.
See us next Thanksgiving. Also, Mitch, you good? We have no idea what happened to Mitch. Like, is he cool? Like, is everything fine? Your wife's dead.
Anyways, that's the movie.
That is the end. Owls, what were your
final thoughts? So at first when I saw this initially, I hated it. And then I watched it a couple more times and it kind of grew on me a little bit. It's not terrible. It's not my favorite. But I, I learned to love it a little bit more.
And I have two questions for you. Who did you think, while watching this film, who did you think was a suspect before you found out who was the actual killer?
Ooh, this is a great question. I think for a hot second I did think it was Bobby. Um, Bobby came into my brain kind of later towards like the end of the film because I'm like, , where was that dude for the last year?
And like he does have kind of a motive for just the whole situation. like not everybody makes sense for him to kill, but like his whole like baseball career being over as he was such a young prospect, I could see that teenage testosterone really like making someone go crazy.
Also, he came into town right when these murders
started happening. Yep. I think that they did a good job kind of setting him up as like a potential. I also thought for a hot second, it could have been Ryan as well, in a weird way. I just thought, cause he was creepy,
but you seem to love him. So.
Well, so who did you
I also thought Ryan and Bobby, but obviously Mitch too, but he's way too obvious. He's too obvious. A hundred percent.
I agree.
And then maybe Thomas, because he all these people that he's trying to kill no way too much and it all
fucked up his like perfect Thanksgiving Yeah, shopping day
and This is also getting, right, Mart, some PR, getting people in the door, potentially, some morbid ass people, like us.
We'll be there, right, Mart? No, just kidding.
But what were your final thoughts? I kind of agree with you. I wouldn't say that I hated the film, but It grew on me a little bit and I also really, really did love the creative kills that were like Thanksgiving inspired. I did think it was kind of brilliant to do the whole like carved turkey thing with Kathleen being the turkey with Yulia the corn.
, holders. Oh,
no, it's, it's, it's super creative. The carver,
the electric carver on Manny, the security guard, , there's just like several things that I'm like, Oh, I love how he was so creative and kept on theme.
Like I love a themed killer. But yeah, I think all around, I did think it was fun. One thing that I didn't love about this film is that there were so many characters and people to keep track of that. A, I did not think that this film needed to be like almost two hours long and B, cut out like half of these like teenage characters and spend more time on like some people that actually made impacts in the film.
Like no offense, but I really didn't think scuba needed to be in the film. Didn't really think Addison Rae's character needed to be in the film. Honestly, didn't even think Yulia's character needed to be in the film I also didn't think that the two people that went to Hanover High School needed to be in it as well and I feel like they could have spent a little bit more time developing some of the other characters like McCarty.
what's his backstory?
No, no, no. I totally agree. Like I couldn't even keep track of their names.
No. Yes. Totally. It was super hard. I was like, okay, wait, who's who and who's dating who? honestly, even Ryan didn't really have to be in it. which one was Oh, the one you like? Yeah. . .
See, even now I'm like, huh.
he didn't need to be in it. So I do feel like there was like way too many characters and it kind of was to the film's like Detriment a tiny bit. Totally. Because it was a lot to keep track of. if you were not paying attention for one second, you would be so lost. I didn't know Scubas name until about hour and a half into the film.
Yeah. It's just like kind of too many ancillary characters. But I did really like it kind of overall. And then one other thing I wanted to call out is that I think. The character of Jessica was played extremely well. I thought that she really rose above all of the other teenage characters to me a lot more.
I felt like she had some good acting chops in this.
Same, but I also, she seemed, she skewed older in my brain. She
did, she did. I think she seemed more experienced too, maybe. Definitely not like high school where some of the other kids were like, okay, you're you're probably a high school ish age.
did you think that this was scary at all?
I did not think this was scary at all. I think it was just gross sometimes again, I've talked about this at nauseam. I don't really like Tortury kind of films. I still enjoyed it I just like didn't think it was scary and i'm just it's not my genre my preferred genre of horror
I also did not think that it was scary at all.
, at some points, probably thought it was more funny than anything. Yeah. And was like, wow, I love some of these creative, kill scenes.
No, for sure. And that's what I do like about Eli Roth is he knows how to do that too. Yeah. But on the other hand, I also hate that he does like torture Yeah, no, for sure. But we love you, Eli. Please love us back.
What was your favorite scene?
Okay. So, um, I do love the table. Dinner scene where he's making all the carvers making all of his amazing jokes.
Yeah, like he's got he's got jokes for days Yeah, which I appreciate but what was
yours? I really think that my favorite scene was when Amy the cheerleader from Hanover High gets stabbed on the trampoline Yeah, I don't know why I just was like, this is brilliant. I love it.
I don't know. I just liked it. Good. Good for you. Good for you. thank you everyone for listening to another episode of Spooky Chicks and Horror Flicks. Happy Thanksgiving. And if you guys would like to follow us on social media, you can find us at Spooky Chicks and Horror Flicks on Instagram and on TikTok.
And Ally, you want to take us home? Sure do.
Because it's Thanksgiving week. don't fuck around and find out on Black Friday, please. Thanks. Happy fucking Thanksgiving, and stay spooky fuckers.