Spooky Chicks & Horror Flicks

38: 30 Days of Night (2007)

Spooky Chicks & Horror Flicks Episode 38

The worst fire in Los Angeles’ history is burning right now. 1,000+ structures destroyed. 70,000+ people under evacuation order. Thousands of firefighters and first responders on the ground. Our SoCal friends need our help–right now.

Where to Donate:

  • https://supportlafd.org/: is distributing critical equipment and supplies (hydration backpacks, emergency fire shelters) to Los Angeles Fire Department workers.
  • https://www.cafirefoundation.org/: is working with local fire agencies and organizations to provide ongoing financial assistance to people affected by the fires, firefighters, and their families.
  • https://losangelescentral.salvationarmy.org/ and https://www.redcross.org/local/california/los-angeles.html: are each on the ground, operating emergency shelters, distributing food, and addressing other immediate needs for people affected by the fires.
  • https://www.directrelief.org/: is distributing N95s, medicine, and medical supplies to healthcare workers and impacted communities.
  • https://www.globalgiving.org/projects/california-wildfire-relief-fund/: is operating shelters, distributing food and emergency medical supplies to affected people and animals, and planning long-term recovery efforts.
  • https://www.calfund.org/: is focusing on long-term recovery efforts.
  • https://www.gofundme.com/c/act/wildfire-relief/california: has a centralized online hub with all verified fundraising pages related to the wildfires.

Where/How to Volunteer:

  • Donate blood: blood banks in affected areas will need to close, and regular donors won’t be able to donate. Help replenish SoCal’s supply by giving blood.
  • Foster an animal: You can donate to fund their work, or if you can safely foster a dog or a cat for a week or more, email mailto:foster@pasadenahumane.org.


Bundle up and grab your stakes as Emma and Ally venture into the frozen nightmare of 30 Days of Night (2007). This week, the hosts head to Barrow, Alaska, where the sun takes a vacation and bloodthirsty vampires throw an extended dinner party. From terrifying neck bites to questionable survival choices, they break down why this icy horror flick still gives us chills.

Isolated towns, clever predators, and the most brutal game of hide-and-seek imaginable—this movie has it all. Pour yourself something warm (or red) and join the f

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